Chapter 22

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As A-Ying's pregnancy progressed Lan Zhan became more and more protective over his mate. A-Ying who's tummy had grown two times bigger that he could not see his feet anymore which brought on more water works and Lan Zhan had to consol and tell him that he is still beautiful. Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren competition had been going still strong in seeing who can out do each other with the most knitted wear. No  one backing off. One day while having their afternoon tea. The four sat silently while drinking their tea when A-Ying whole body went still. He just felt like butterfly movements in his tummy. Holding his breath there it was again he was not imagining it. "Lan Zhan I think the babies just moved". He said excitedly  to his mate. Lan Zhan looked at him with wide eyes as A-Ying took his hand and put it on his stomach. Lan Zhan waited with bated breath as he waited patiently until he feels it the little movements. Tears form in his eyes as he looks with amazement in eyes." A-Ying ". He said with wonder and excitement  in his voice. " I know Lan Zhan". No more words needed as both just smile at each other. "Can I also feel A-Ying. I want to feel my little nephews move and I think uncle would also like to". Xichen asked hopefully. A little growl left Lan Zhan's mouth but A-Ying puts his hand on his and said." Lan Zhan it's fine. They are family stop being so overprotective ". Lan Zhan drop his head and took his hand away looking apologizing at his uncle and brother who had already stand up and A-Ying took their hands and put it on his stomach. When they felt it a small gasp left their mouths and tears filled their eyes. They thanked him and went back to their places and Lan Zhan immediately put his hand back on A-Ying's stomach to feel his babies movements the others just smile feeling bless to soon have two more additions to their small family. Soon the three stood up  getting ready to leave as they will be visiting the Nie sect today as Wen Qing and Wen Ning would also be there. This would be there last time traveling because A-Ying stomach is growing bigger by the day. They bow to their uncle and left.

When they were outside the gates Lan Zhan mount bichen and brought A-Ying with him on it and Xichen mount his and off they went. A-Ying was excited to see his friends again after such a long time. They have a lot off catching up to do. When they landed outside the gates of the Unclean Realm the four was already waiting for them. Lan Zhan landed carefully and helped his heavily pregnant mate off. Mingjue had to keep his brother back otherwise he would be launching himself at A-Ying and they can't have that nor does he want to bury his only brother after Lan Zhan had killed him. Once greetings was exchange they all made their way towards the receiving hall where food and tea were already waiting. Once they were seated Wen Qing asked A-Ying.
"A-Ying how are you doing and how is my little nephews". "They are fine and I am fine also just tired carrying these two around. They finally decided to make their presence known". He said will a smile on his face as he put a sweet cake in his mouth. " What do you mean by making their presence known?". Huaisang asked." I felt them moving for the first time this morning". A-Ying answered. "Can I feel please". Huaisang asked very excitedly. " Of course". Huaisang immediately moved over and put his hand on A-Ying's stomach and then he waited  and waited but nothing happened. Very disappointed he pouted and said." Why aren't they moving now". Everybody laughs at him."Maybe they don't like you". Wen Qing said with a straight face. "How can you say that it's obvious that they are probably just asleep tired of the long flight". Huaisang said. The others just shook their heads. Once they were done eating the five friends stood up and bow to their seniors and walked out towards the gardens.  They arrived and took their seats.
" So what do you think really happened to the Jin Guangshan and Yu Ziyuan ". Wen Qing asked them. A-Ying pulled his shoulders up and Lan Zhan just gave a blank look. She looked at Huaisang and he asked her." Why are you looking at me I don't know". He said. She lifts a brow and she was not the only one. Wen Ning just watch them. "I really do not know. So I do not know why you think I do". They did not answer but just kept looking at him and he threw his hands up in their air."Fine, I heard that he apparently had a room prepared in one of his special dungeons with a bed and shackles. Word is that he wanted to kept someone captive in their for a very long time. I think it must have been an omega. Someone heard about it and tied him up with his own shackles and ghosts of the women he had wronged in the past taught him a lesson and killed him". He said eyes darting between his friends. Waiting for them to say something but they just looked at him mouths agape and in shocked. So he continues." Yu Ziyuan I heard was plague with inconceivable nightmares for days and in the end she went mad and took her own life". He fanned himself and Wen Ning who was the first to speak."For someone who knows nothing. You sure knows everything". Now everyone is looking at him before they burst out with laughter. Huaisang looks at Wen Ning very offended by his words. He can't help it if information just happens to come his way it's not that he went and looked for it." Wen Ning how could you say something like that. My feelings are hurt right now". He fake wiping tears from his eyes and the others just shook their heads and laugh. After awhile when they all had settled down Wen Ning asked shyly. " A-Ying did you decided on names yet". The two parents to be looked at each other and then A-Ying said." Well not yet. We haven't thought that far but as soon as we do we will let you know".A-Ying said and Lan nods his head. "You guys probably do not know this but after his father's death Jin Zixuan became sect Leader and he and his wife are also expecting ". Huaisang informs them. "That's nice". A-Ying said sincerely. "Really Huaisang tell me honestly. How do you know so much and everybody's business? You are scaring me really". Wen Qing asked him with a raised eyebrow and the others nods their heads." A master of information never disclose how he obtains his information". He said with sly smile." You really are scary". A-Ying said while a shiver rans through his body. They continued making small talk. Not long after the two brothers joins them and they enjoyed some more tea and cakes. Huaisang excuses himself for a moment and when he came back he handed A-Ying two fans. He looks at him surprised but he just told him to open it and said." This is for my two nephews. I paint it with love for them". A-Ying and Lan Zhan thanked him and opened it. They gasps in wonderment. Both fans were painted meticulously. One was painted with beautiful mountains and flowers and the other were painted with a beautiful waterfall and birds. " It is beautiful A-Sang. Thank you so much". Both he and Lan Zhan said A-Ying having tears in his eyes as he hugs his friend.

He gave them to Wen Qing and Wen Ning to see and they both also told him how beautiful it is. Huaisang sat down very please that his friends love his presents. They kept on having a relaxing afternoon until it is time for them all to leave promising that they will soon visit the Cloud Recess because it is not save for A-Ying to visit again. They sat their goodbyes at the gate and Wen Qing and Wen Ning left as well as Lan Zhan his mate and brother. On their way back A-Ying asked Lan Zhan if they could make visit the market at Caiyi before they go home and Lan Zhan told him yes and he inform his brother who does not have a problem with it. They landed and made their way towards the market. As they walked through the market Lan Zhan made sure that he had his hand on his mates back and the other holding his hand. The people who saw them would smile and give them their blessings and well wishes their pregnancy which they took with grace and gratitude. First they made their way towards the dressmaker to put in their order for robes and clothing for their babies. When they were done they walked around the market. A-Ying showing them all the beautiful things and the two brothers just smiles. He bought little trickets and anything beautiful thing he saw. The two brothers patiently indulge him. As they walked they did not see the woman making her way towards them. She stops in front of them which gave A-Ying a little freight that he yelp. Lan Zhan immediately move to stand in front of him as did Xichen. " I am sorry. I did not mean to scare the Young Master". She said with a smile. A-Ying relaxes and smile back at her." It is fine it was just unexpected ". He said as he move his mate and brother out of the way. As soon as they move she looks at A-Ying's stomach and asked. " How far along are the young master if I may asked". A-Ying rubbed his stomach and smile before he answered her." I am five months along now". "Oh that's wonderful". She said and reached her hand out to touch his stomach. The three was shocked for her forwardness but before she could lay her hands on A-Ying's stomach a blast of energy pushed her back and she lost her balance and fell on her behind. Shocked the three just stood there and looked as the woman fall. She stood up and almost screamed at  them." How can you be so rude to push me. I just wanted to touch your stomach. Do you think that it is fine to treat people this way". Pointing her finger at A-Ying who are staring at her open mouth. "You who gave you the right to touch my mate without permission. Who do you think you are. It is your own fault. The one who was rude here were you". Lan Zhan growled at her. His eyes were blazing. The woman looked at Lan Wanji and said." Do you think that I am scared of you or your mate. What was promised to me once I will get this time. You do not remember me but soon you will. Those two will not see the light of day I will make sure of it. I will take what belongs to me even if it means I must take it by force". She sneered with a smirk on her face as she looked at Lan Wanji then A-Ying. The moment the words left her mouth A-Ying was over his shocked and then he said with a dark and low voice." If you so much as thinking of laying a hand on my pups. I will personally ripped your heart out of your chest". With every word he took a step forward. " Not only that I will ripped you apart with my bare teeth. I will make you beg for your life before I end it and not only that. Do you think I will let someone like you take my mate away from me. You think that I am scared of you believe me when I say that you should be scared because I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth. Do not underestimate me I am no push over". He gave her a little smirk in return. She looks at him and said." Oh I am going to have fun with you before I kill you and those bastards inside you". When those words left her mouth Wanji and Chenqing were standing in front of her teeth barring and snarling. Xichen looks at the two wolves eyes wide because they have grown even larger then the last time he saw them. The people in the market was shocked at the woman's words and amaze when they saw the two wolves.

The woman took stampering steps backwards. Wanji and Chenqing advances towards her and then they spoke as one. "So it was you all along who was responsible for our pup and our deaths. You are the one who convinced the others to kill us. You murdered our pup because you wanted what you could never have". They growl every word out. The woman is speechless and scared shitless. This is not what she expected. "Speechless now. You just run your mouth telling us what you will do to us so if we kill you now and here. Would you say that it would be justice for daring to threatening us". "You are monsters. This is not the last you will see or hear from me I swear to you". Then she took something out of her robes and threw it on the ground just as Wanji jump forward and she disappeared. "Transportation talisman". Xichen said. The two shifted back into their human form and immediately the three left the market and made their way to the Cloud Recess. Lan Zhan all the while comforting his mate but he himself are just as angry. They need to find her and fast. Their pups and his mates life is in danger now. Xichen himself are literally vibrating with anger next to them. Are they never going to be left in peace and who was that woman.

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