Chapter 38

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Five months had past since that day and A-Ying and Lan Zhan had found out that A-Ying was pregnant again. Two months along. They were happy and so was everybody else. They welcomed the good news with open arms after everything that had happened. They were not so cocky as to not let someone sit on the newly appointed Jiang sect Leader just incase he chooses to seek revenge on their son. The twins had start walking and were wobbling around the Cloud Recess with Wen Ning also close by to make sure the two does not get hurt or putting things in their mouths. It was on such a sunny day that Xichen and A-Sang decided that it is finally time to see once and for all who the twins favorite uncle is. The whole gang was there to witness this. They were all gathered in the courtyard even some of the Lan disciples came to watch. Xichen and A-Sang sat next too each other but far apart not to touch each other. So in lotus pose A-Ying and Lan Zhan who was holding the twins put them down and whispers in their ears." Go A-Yuan and A-Jie show us who your favorite uncle is between Xichen-ge and A-Sang". They looked up at their parents who gently smiles at them and then at the two men who were sitting with their arms stretched out towards them. "Go". A-Ying says gently and the two starts to walked towards the two men. Excitement were seen on the two mens faces and everyone waited with bated breath as the twins came walking forward. They stopped infront of Xichen and A-Sang looked at the both of them before they walked past them and stopped infront of Wen Ning raising their hands silently telling him to pick them up and also telling the other two men who their favorite uncle was. Xichen and A-Sang turned their heads in suprise and shock and so was the others. Who would've thought that the twins would choose the quiet one. A-Sang was the first one to got his barrings back just as Wen Ning picked the twins up. "You how could you A-Ning. I thought we were friends and you went behind my back and bribe the boys to choose you. I will never forgive you for this. It is utter betrayal. I never expected it from you". He was short of breath after that outburst and Wen Ning was shocked. He did not even know that the boys would choose him and to make matters worse the boys chose to speak at that moment. "Uncle Ying". The stillness that followed those words could be sliced by a sword. The boys not knowing what they just did both planted wet kisses on Wen Ning's cheeks. Mingjue watch his brothers face go from red to ash white as his mouth hang open in utter shock and disbelief. Xichen had never felt so much hurt, pain and betrayal in all of his life. He slowly stood up and everyone's eyes was on him before he spoke." I will be going into seclusion for an undetermined time. I never thought that I would witness the day that my own family abandoned me and leave me out in the cold. The pain is just so much. I am sorry A-Zhan and A-Ying to asked this of you but would you look after the sect until my heart and soul had heal". Everyone was speechless and did not know what to say to those words. A-Sang was crying into Fenhua's chest. Saying over and over. "The betrayal is to much. I do not think I will ever be the same after this. How? Why? After everything". Lan Qiren and Wen Qing just shook their heads. They have no time for this so the two decided to leave. Wen Ning was still holding the twins before he spoke." I am sorry Xichen-ge and A-Sang. I did not know that they would choose me". Xichen looked with sad eyes at him and A-Sang refuse to look up from Fenhua's chest where his face was buried in.
" It is fine A-Ning it is not your fault and nor do I blame you for failing as an uncle". Lan Zhan stepped towards his brother and said.
"Brother do not take this to heart. The boys love you still the same". But Xichen just shook his head. Mingjue looked at Lan Zhan and said." I will go with him do not worry they both will be fine. How the two off you can take this so serious I do not understand. Come Xichen I will make you some tea and no one is going into seclusion over this. The boys love the both of you like A-Zhan said so stop acting like two spoiled brats". A-Sang gasps and lifts his head and looked at his brother with a betrayed look. "Da-ge how can you say that. My own brother have sympathy for me". Mingjue gave him a look that says. Stop with your nonsense before he took Xichen by the arm and steered him towards the hanshi. A-Ying softly starts to chuckle and everyone's attention turns to him before he burst out with full on belly laughter. The twins clapped their hands and started to laugh too and soon everyone else joins them. Lan Zhan kept his arm around his mate to keep him steady and after some time and wiping his eyes he said.
"You know why the boys went to Wen Ning it's because he did not try to bribe them. He was just being himself and not always try to show them who is the better uncle. Maybe you should take a page out of his book. And you better not be angry or make things hard for him just because the boys chose him over you A-Sang". He looked at A-Sang with a raised brow and A-Sang flipped his fan open and said." I am not angry at A-Ning. I could never be angry at him. It's just it hurts a little knowing that I am not their favorite uncle that's all". "A-Ning I am sorry I know this is not your fault. I was wrong in blaming you. Would you forgive me". He said as he looks at Wen Ning. "It is fine A-Sang. I forgive you". Wen Ning said and soon all was forgotten.

Mingjue sat Xichen down as soon as they enter the Hanshi and moved towards the low table. He brewed tea and when it was ready he poured the both of them a cup. Sitting opposite his friend he looked at him and when they were done he put the cups and teapot to the side. He took Xichen's hands in his own and said. "Xichen do not be so hard on yourself. Look I know how much this means to you but like I said. The boys loves you very much. And who knows maybe tomorrow you will be their favorite. So stop this sulking and give me a smile". Xichen looks up and gave him a small smile." I know Mingjue and I know that I was over reacting. They are still small and like you said tomorrow I might be their favorite". He said and mingjue gave his hands a small but firm squeeze. "Xichen there is something else I want to talk about with you. I hope you will listen". He said and Xichen asked." What is Mingjue?". He cleared his throat and said. "I have been in love with you for a long time now and I have always seen and think about you as my mate. So what I trying to say or perhaps asked is. Will you marry me? Will you become my mate?". He holds Xichen gaze even though his heart feels as if it will jumped out of his chest. The emotions on Xichen's face went from shock to suprise until it finally settles on content. He smiles at Mingjue and said. " So have I Mingjue. I have also been in love with you or should I say. I also love you and I would be honored to become your mate". They both looked at each other with soft expressions before Mingjue stood up walked around the table and pull Xichen up pulled him close and kissed him with all the love he feels for him and his kiss was answered in the same way. What happened after that are between the two of them and nobody needs to know. That evening they shared their good news and everyone was happy for them and the incident of earlier was quickly forgotten. They reached their families congratulations and best wishes and blessings for their up coming union. Lan Qiren looked at his extended family with love in his heart. Who would've have thought that his nephews would found such good and loving mates. He was bless first with two then another one and one is on its way. Four beautiful blessings. There is nothing he can ask for. For right infront of him is all he needs and will ever needed. His family. The people he loves the most in this life. If he should pass he will do so gladly knowing that his life was filled with love and joy. He smiles as he looked around the room. Yes his family.

Lan Zhan had his arm around his mate as A-Ying lays with his head against his chest. Looking around he saw his son, A-Sang and A-Ning Wen Qing was deep in conversation. His brother and fiance were looking at each other with loving puppy eyes. The look on his uncle's face was one of love and contentment. The boys were lay sleeping on his lap.  This is his family. The people he will help protect and defend always. The love he have for all of these people are overwhelming. The future right now are unsure but for now he will just enjoy being around them. Who knows maybe someday someone will attack his family again and he will be ready. Standing before anyone who chooses to hurt them with his family. He sighs softly as he places a loving kiss on A-Ying's head. A-Ying looked up and smiles at him before Lan Zhan dipped his head and places a kiss on his lips. "I love you". He said. "I love you more". A-Ying said and places another kiss on his mates lips before he laid his head back on his mates chest and closes his eyes. 'I will be your mate in this lifetime and everyone after that'. They both thought at the same time.
I do hope that you guys enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it and certainly more fun killing the bad guys. Thanks to everyone who took the time reading my story and voting and give comments it sure did motivate me to keep going. So it is the end of this story for now. Hope to see you soon🥰💞❤️

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