Chapter 28

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Two days later A-Ying and Lan Zhan had finally decided that Chenqing and Wanji must meet little ghost so they got the boys ready and took the two boys to shufu for the day making sure they had everything. On their return to the jingshi they close the door and looked at little ghost who is swirling nervously in the air. "Little ghost are you ready to meet them". A-Ying asked softly and little ghost looks at him and nods his little head. Lan Zhan and A-Ying gave each other a look before they shift. Chenqing and Wanji stood there looking at little ghost who looked at them with wide eyes. Chenqing slowly moved towards the little boy wishing that he could snif him and get his scent but in his heart of hearts I knows that this little ghost boy in front of him are his son. The one he never got to meet. Wanji also moved closer his eyes soft as he looked at the little boy. Little ghost knows if he could have cried he would have. For the first time he can feel the connection and he wished that he was human so that he could bath in the scents of his parents. "We would have named you Fenhua meaning youthful. It seems that the name would have fit you so well my little darling. I wish that I can hug you right now". Chenqing says as he looks at his son.
"You are really my parents and now I have a name". A bright light suddenly starts to surround the little ghost. It swirls around him for a few minutes while Chenqing and Wanji tried to get to their son. They can't loose him again they just found him. Wanji and Chenqing both let out a loud howl filled with pain and heartbreak while still trying to get to their son. "Wanji do something please. We can't loose him again". Chenqing pleaded with his mate."We won't loose him I promise you. We won't not this time". Wanji said as he dive into the light and all that he heard is Chenqing howling. He can't let his mate get hurt again. As soon as he landed in the middle of the light he stopped and stare."You gave me a name. I never knew it but now I am whole again". The little boy in front of him say and the light slowly started to disappear around them. Chenqing was pacing and tapping his paws on the wooden floor when he realise that the light are starting to disappear. When he can finally see his mate he rush forward looking around where their son is only to see a little boy standing in front of them. A human boy. Who is smiling at them. The same smile he use to wear when he was a human. Chenqing eyes moves to the boys face. He got his fathers eyes. Those golden eyes."How?". Chenqing asked shocked. Wanji finally came out of his stupor and said." Because we named him. We gave him a name. A place to belong. We accepted him just the way he is. The heavens must have seen his hearts desires and granted it to him". Fenhua stood there and then he carefully took a step towards the two wolves. When he reached them he threw his arms around both of them. Inhaling their scents deeply. He felt happy and content. He wanted to sing and dance as tears rolled down his face. Those were tears of happiness and joy. Chenqing and Wanji let out their scents and slowly starts to scent their eldest. Fenhua reveled in the smell of it and the two parents slowly went down and laid on the floor as their son were now between the two of them. "Fenhua it is so nice to finally meet. To see you and know how you look". Chenqing and Wanji said at the same time. Fenhua looked at his parents and say." Finally I belong. Finally I get to meet you and now I do not have to wonder the earth with no purpose. I have a family now. I love and I have missed you so much. Always wondering where you were. Now I don't have to anymore. A-die and Baba". The jingshi smell of happiness and joy ,content and love. The three of them laid like that for awhile before Chenqing and Wanji realise that Fenhua had fallen asleep between them. They carefully shift into their human form and A-Ying pick Fenhua up and laid him on the bed. Both he and Lan Zhan looked at the sleeping boy for a long while as Lan Zhan pulled him into a hug. A-Ying let his head rest on his mate chest as tears filled his eyes. "Lan Zhan I am so glad that things have worked so wonderfully. Now we have boys". A-Ying says." Mmm. We will be the best parents for them. And give them all the love they deserve". Lan Zhan answers his mate.

Lan Qiren brought the two boys back just before their bath time. He walked into the jingshi when he heard a voice of a child. He looked at the twins and thought maybe he has misheard. He walked in deeper and just as was about to call for Lan Zhan a boy of around ten years old came running out of the bedroom laughing. Fenhua stopped in his tracks with A-Ying just behind him Lan Zhan followed soon after. Lan Qiren looks confuse at Lan Zhan and A-Ying and than at the boy who is looking at him with the same eyes as Lan Zhan. Lan Qiren looked really looked at the boy and he starts to see so many similarities of both A-Ying Lan Zhan. He looks at Lan Zhan and asked. " A-Zhan who is this boy". Lan Zhan walked forward and took the twins and hand them to A-Ying who took them silently and walked towards their cot and lay them down. "Fenhua keep an eye on them please". Fenhua gave him a big smile and said."I will". "Thanks we will be just inside if you need us". A-Ying said and Fenhua nods his head. A-Ying walked out and went into the sitting area. Lan Zhan had made tea so long and as soon as he joined them at the table Lan Zhan poured tea for the three of them. Lan Qiren looked between the two and asked.
"Will someone please tell me what is going on and who that little boy is. Now that I think of it. Where is that little troublemaker. You know little ghost". Lan Zhan and A-Ying gave each other a side glance before Lan Zhan answers." Uncle before we answer your questions. Please promise us that you would be calm about it. A-Ying do you think you should call brother also then we do not have to explain twice". "I think it would be best Lan Zhan ". A-Ying answered him. Lan Zhan stood up and excused himself before he walked out of the jingshi. "A-Ying what is going on". Lan Qiren asked with concern in his voice." Uncle do not have to worry it is only that what we have to say will probably sound unbelievable. So let's drink our tea while we wait for Lan Zhan and Xichen-ge". They did not wait long for the two brothers to come back. Once they were seated Lan Zhan looked at his uncle and brother and said." Uncle, brother. You remember the story about Chenqing and Wanji and what had happened to them and their unborn child". He looks at them and they both nods their heads. "Also you remember little ghost and how he had stayed here after everything". "A-Zhan what are you trying to tell us". A-Ying continues. "Well it turns out that little ghost were their son. Chenqing had that feeling only a parent get and today they met each other for the first time. The boy that uncle saw earlier is little ghost his name is Fenhua". Both Lan Qiren and Xichen looked at A-Ying and Lan Zhan as if they were crazy. How can a ghost turn into a human being. That's impossible. "You want to tell us that,that menace had turn into a human". Lan Qiren said just as a low growl was heard and he looked at Lan Zhan and A-Ying and said."I am sorry Chenqing and Wanji but that boy is a menace and I am standing on it. You know what he said to the twins the other day thinking nobody can hear him. He said when they are bigger he will sneak them into my quarters and shave my beard". He said with a huff while stroking his beard. Laughter filled the room and they looked around and there Fenhua holding his stomach as he was bend over laughing. "You see he has no manners at all and no respect for his elders". Lan Qiren said as he looks at the boy. Xichen finally found his voice as he looks at the boy."How did it happen? I mean he was still a ghost this morning right". Xichen asked confused. "Well that is a mystery on its on brother. All we know is when Chenqing and Wanji told him his name a bright light started to surround him and when it disappeared there he was standing". Lan Zhan explain to them. A-Ying turns around and wave Fenhua over. He walked over and A-Ying said to him." Come introduce yourself to your grand uncle and uncle". Fenhua looks at both men with big eyes before he strike the perfect bow and said." This one is Lan Fenhua eldest son of Chenqing and Wanji eldest brother to Li-Jie and A-Yuan". He came up from his bow with a smile as he looks at the men. "It is a pleasure to meet you Fenhua. My name is Lan Xichen and I'm your uncle". Xichen says and Lan Qiren gave Fenhua a stern look before he said." Pleasure meeting you Fenhua. Now that you are part of the Lan family I would just like to remind you that there are rules we follow here and one of them is. Do not plot against your elders or shave their beard. Do you understand that". Fenhua looks at Lan Qiren and said." I have seen the rules and knows most of it but nowhere did I see that rule. Are uncle sure that it is one of the rules". He asked innocently. Oh Lan Qiren knows that he is playing with him so he said."It is now and it is the most important one of them all". He said as he looked at Fenhua who is looking back at him. They had a staring competition for a few minutes until Fenhua said with a smile." If uncle say so. Just hope I will be able to remember the most important rule. If you would excuse I have big brother duties to forfill". He bows and walked back into the bedroom.  A-Ying looks at his uncle mouth agape." Uncle what was that. He is just a child". Lan Qiren looks at him and said." A-Ying that boy just challenged me. Did you not see it. He mocked me. I am keeping my eye on him. Starting tomorrow he will have to join the classes that will keep him busy and out of trouble". I will have to reinforce by barrier I don't trust that boy not for a minute. Lan Qiren thought to himself before he stood up and thank the two for allowing him to look after the twins for the day and then he left. Xichen just smiles knowing his uncle the man will soon treat Fenhua the same as his own. "Do not worry A-Ying uncle would not treat Fenhua any different then the twins. Uncle had not had someone like him in years. He would not hurt him". Lan Zhan told him as he rubs his back."I know Lan Zhan. I was just shocked that uncle was challenging Fenhua. Your right. They will probably be best of friends in the end". A-Ying said with a smile. "Well I can't wait till A-Sang gets here how suprise he will be. Did you two let Wen Qing checked him out to see if everything was fine with him". Xichen asked. They did not even think of that. How horrible of them. "No but thanks for reminding us. We did not even think of doing that". Lan Zhan said. Just then Wen Qing and Wen Ning came as if heaven sent. "Ah Qing-jie we was just about to call you". "Call me for what. Is something wrong with you or the twins". She asked worried."No we are fine but there is someone we would like for you to check on". A-Ying answers her to which she asked." Who is it?"." Come with me. Please excuse us for a minute". He stood up and Wen Qing follows him into the bedroom. When they entered Wen Qing stopped in her tracks and asked."A-Ying who is this". A-Ying looks around at her and said." This is Fenhua and I would explain everything to you but would you first check on please". Wen Qing looked confused but she nods her head and asked the boy to take of his robes and made him lay on the bed.

She examined him as he looks at her. She did not find anything wrong with him infact he was in excellent condition. Just as she was finishing she felt a strange and foreign energy inside him. She pulled back a little and looked at Fenhua and that's when she saw the color of his eyes had change. It was a beautiful blue color. He smiles at her and gave her a wink that startled her a bit. That is not the behavior of a little boy no that is the behavior of adult or teenager at best. She thought. She told him that he could stand up and get dress before she turns to A-Ying and said." There is nothing wrong with him. He is a healthy little boy". A-Ying gave a relief smile and told Fenhua that they are going into the other room. He nods his head and the two went out while he went over to the cot. Looking down at his two brothers he said." I will always be by your side. I will always protect you. No one will ever be able to hurt you or even try to hurt you. Now open your eyes let me see my brothers". The twins opened their eyes and looks at him with their red and blazing honey eyes. His eyes also turns a dark blue and the three just looked at each other for a awhile before Fenhua said. "Now that we have officially met it is time that I tell our parents of the real danger to our kind. What do you think?". The twins gave him a toothless smile and closes their eyes. He stood their for awhile watching them before he turns around and walked into the other room. He won't stay in this form for too long that he knows so before anything happens he needs to tell them. He stopped in the door way and watch the people he had come to love as his family and now is his family. He will do anything to protect them against anyone who will want to hurt them. He walked further into the room just as his Baba finished telling the Wen siblings of what had transpired. Lan Zhan looks around when he heard the footsteps behind him and asked with concern in his voice when he saw the look on Fenhua's face." Is everything fine Fenhua. Why do you look so concerned". Fenhua looks at his parents and said." There is something I have to tell you. Something I had forgot to tell you before because I was so excited over everything that had happened so far". He stopped talking as he felt a lump forms in his throat and tears starts to swim in his eyes. A-Ying got up and took him in his arms as he hugs him. "Shoo it is fine. You are home now". He told him and Fenhua nodded his head in the embrace. He step back after a while and continued. "You remember when I accidentally killed that lady. Well I was watching her for a while and I came to learn that there is a flower. Specifically a purple flower that can hurt us". The others looked at him in shocked and Wen Qing asked him.
"What do you mean a flower that can you?". "I heard her called it wolfsbane. It can be used to poison someone's wolf. And see that we are the only family who can shift into our wolf form it is even deadlier to us". "A flower that can be use as a poison. Where would you even find something like that?". Xichen asked still in shock. "Well it can only be found in YungmiangJiang region. That's what she said while she talking to herself ". Fenhua answered. "I am sorry that I did not tell you sooner about this". He said with his head bowed. "You have told  us now and that's all that matters. No need to blame yourself Fenhua. We do not blame you". Lan Zhan said as he stood up and bring his son into a hug soon A-Ying joined them and Fenhua felt so loved at that moment. They separated after awhile and he went back into the bedroom tired after everything he went and lay on his parents bed and soon he fell asleep. "What are we going to do? What if someone figure out what that flower means and what they could do with it. You have three small boys who's lives will be in danger". Wen Ning said as he looks around the table. "A-Ning is right we need to figure something out on how to protect you all. We do not even know what it does?". Wen Qing said. Xichen was quite thinking back to the day they went to that cabin but there was nothing that he can remember. "A-Zhan that day do you remember anything out of place in the cabin". Lan Zhan thought long and hard than said. "No I do not but maybe if we go back and search the place because we never did search it". "Then we go in two days time. I will inform Mingjue and Wen Qing I would like for you to go with please. You have a more keen eye". Xichen said and she nods her head. Not long after the three of them left and Lan Zhan and A-Ying went into the bedroom just standing there watching their three boys sleep. Will someone try and hurt them. They had been so peaceful why must there always be something or someone trying to hurt them. Their little family. "We will protect you always even if it means laying our own lives down. We will kill anyone who tries to hurt anyone of you. We will kill them without mercy. This we promise you as your parents". Lan Zhan and A-Ying vowed to their sleeping boys. They shifted into their wolf forms. They shook their fur out and laid down on the floor their eyes never leaving their precious cargo.

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