Chapter 27

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Two months later Shufu, Xichen, A-Sang,Mingjue,Wen Qing,Wen Ning and lan Zhan were watching the cubs and little ghost and A-Ying playing in the bunny field. Small smiles on their faces as they shook their heads at A-Ying running around with the cubs and little ghost who is swirling and diving in and out. "How are they supposed to appreciate my gifts if they are like that. I worked hard on those fans. I haven't slept at all because I wanted to make sure that they were perfect. So can somebody please tell me will they stay like that or will they shift into human form sometime". A-Sang said with a pout on his face. "A-Sang you are not the only who wants to see how they look I mean their wolves are beautiful but I want to hold them in my arms ". Xichen also voiced his opinion. "I also agree with the two of. I want to also hold my grand nephews in my arms". Lan Qiren said longingly. "Wen Qing how long will they stay like that". He asked Wen Qing. "It's hard to say. Remember this is the first time I have encountered this. To be honest I can't give a definite answer. It could be weeks or months we will just have to be patient and wait atleast they are strong and healthy ". She answered with a stern voice as she looks at the three men. A-Sang immediately hide himself behind Wen Ning. Xichen and Lan Qiren just nods their heads thoughtfully. Lan Zhan just listen and smile as he looks at his mate and cubs playing. He is a patient man after all. His eyes wondered to the little ghost and he could not help but wonder why he had not gone yet. Why is the little ghost still hanging around and being so protective of the twins. 'Wanji why do you think little ghost is still here'. Lan Zhan mindlink his wolf. A-Ying stopped in his track where he was chasing the cubs and looks at Lan Zhan. 'I also want to know. Chenqing do you and Wanji perhaps know or have an idea why little ghost did not move on'. Silence befalls both wolves but Lan Zhan and A-Ying could feel the sadness that their wolves projected. A-Ying walked over to Lan Zhan and sat infront of him on his knees. The others were watching them wondering what is wrong. "A-Ying is everything fine?". Xichen asked but he got no answer. Confuse they looked closely at the two and they saw on their faces pain and sadness. 'Wanji could it be?Could it?'. Chenqing asked his mate.' I think it might be possible. I am not sure'. Wanji answers. 'But it could be right that's why he is still here. He could be our Fenhua right. There is a possibility that's why he is still here'. Chenqing said as tears form in his eyes. 'It could be possible. I also would want to believe that it is him. Our baby whom we never got to meet'. Wanji said as he bring his mate into his arms and hugs him. After awhile they both looked into the direction little ghost and the cubs were still playing. Could this little ghost be their son. Their pup who died before he was born and they never got a chance to meet. Twin smiles form on their lips hoping that they are right. Hoping that they will finally be able to meet their son. Chenqing still in Wangji's warm embrace.

The others could feel that something had happened between the two. Something had change but they decided not to disturb or ask them. They will tell them when the time is right. A-Sang lifts his head as he heard small shierks and looks in the direction it came from. He saw little ghost swirl as if he was excited about something. He stood up and walked in the direction. When he reached the place his eyes went wide as saucers. No it can't be. There in front of lays two naked babies looking up at him. He gave a small yelp just loud enough to gain the others attention. Lan Zhan and A-Ying were beside him in seconds which earn another yelp and he jump away. The others arrives and looked shocked at the two baby boys.
"Lan Zhan our babies". A-Ying said excitedly as he kneels in front of them and pick them up. Lan Zhan immediately took his outer robes of and cover the boys as soon as the shock wears off. Wen Qing immediately went into doctor mode.
"Take them in immediately. They needs to be examine and see if they are fine". Lan Zhan and a exited A-Ying immediately took the two boys to the jingshi as the others follows behind. Mingjue had to grab his brother by the neck of his robes as he sprint pass them. "Da-ge what are you doing? Let me go this instant. I found them. You would have never known they were even there if it was not for me". He screams as he trying to get out his brothers grip." That does not even makes sense. You will wait just like the rest of us until Wen Qing are done with examination of the two boys. Do you hear me?". Mingjue said as he let go off his brother. "Yeah I hear you. No one appreciate me in this family". A-Sang said as he walked away. The four men just shook their heads and also made their way towards the jingshi. When they entered they found A-Sang at the table still sulking but he atleast started brewing the tea.

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