Chapter 33

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When Lan Zhan awakes the next morning at his usual time he looked to his side and saw his mate still fast asleep. Lips parted slightly as he release soft snores. He untangled himself from his mate and quietly slipped out the bed. He went to the bathing area and put warming talismans on the bath waiting for the water to warm up he took out robes for the both of them. Not once did he realise that something was different. His mind more occupied with the unforgettable night they had shared.It is the first time that they really and truly explored each others bodies and it felt and was heavenly. After he was done he taking out their robes he went behind the screen divider and felt the water once satisfied he walked back towards the bed and picked his still sleeping mate up and walked back behind the screen divider. He slipped A-Ying into the bath while keeping his head upright and he took the soap and cloth and started to wash him from head to to once done he once again picked him up and dry him off by now A-Ying slowly starts to open his eyes still sleepy he pouts his lips and lifts his head. Lan Zhan immediately place a kiss on his lips and said." Good morning A-Ying. How are you feeling today?". A-Ying smiles shyly and his face flushed red when he remembered last night." I am feeling soooo much beter my dearest alpha".
And answer got him a hot searing kiss and a little bite in his neck just close to his scent gland and mating bite which send a shiver down his whole body. " I think we should get done the children might think that we have abandoned them". Lan Zhan said as he starts to dress his omega before taking a quick bath himself once dress they looked at each other than at themselves a confused looked on their faces. They went and stood infront of the full length mirror turning this way and that way before A-Ying said." Lan Zhan what happened to us". Both their figures have changed as well as their looks and hair. Their hair were more full and luscious and wavy and curly. Their eyes had a shine to it but also a fierceness. Lan Zhan's face had lost their baby fat. His was sharper as were his jaw line. His shoulders were much broader. His upper arms were firmer with muscles just as his calves. He his atleast standing taller when they went to bed. His voice a octave deeper then it were. A-Ying's face may still be round but there is a glow that makes him even more alluring. His cheeks had a slight but permanent blush to it. His body had became seductive. His slender body and waist were just a tad bit thinner. His hips grew a bit wider and his bottom was even more attractive and luscious to the touch. Soft and rounded. Yes Lan Zhan gave it a squeeze just to feel if it is real. They looked wide eyes at each other as A-Ying slowly lifts his hands and let it roam over his mates chest that felt rock hard. His hands glides down until he stopped and look at his mate and said." I think it also went through a transformation Lan Zhan". Unconsciously he licks his lips and just as they came in for a kiss that's when they heard the howling and it shook them out of their trance like state." The twins". They said at the same time and made their way towards the door upon opening it Lan Zhan waves his hand and the barrier went down and before they know they were pounded on by the twins and licked in their faces laughing they could just lay there as the twins made satisfied whines. "Oh you two stopped we missed you also. Why are you in your wolf forms". A-Ying asked through the laughter. They managed to get the two off them and stood up as the twins spins around and jumping up and down. They rubbed their heads and gave them both kisses on the snouts which earned them more jumps and licks.
" Ah you two are too much". A-Ying said. They looked up and saw the others just stared at them. Lan Zhan looked at Fenhua and said." We are going for a run you coming with. When we get back then we can talk". Fenhua started walking towards his parents and soon the three of them shifted into their wolf forms. Which brought on a shocked gasps from the others on seeing their Lan Zhan and A-Ying's wolves.

Lan Zhan's were still white but alot more bigger. His eyes a searing honey gold with red irises with black stripes as eyebrows. A black dark snout. His teeth are colour the same colour as his eyes but just darker. His fur a luscious ball of hair which look so soft. A-Ying's wolf still black and are a tad bit smaller as his mate but his eyes were a glazing red with gold irises. Also a dark black snout. His teeth red as blood and is fur also a much healthier and luscious ball off hair. As they shook their fur out it if the wind it self were blowing softly through it. The family of five gave one last look at their friends and family before they turns howls up at sky and then took off running towards the woods. As shock slowly starts to wear off Xichen cleared his throat lightly and looked at the others and said." It seems the night was spend well. I think we can go wait for them in the hanshi or just walked around the sect or sit outside under one of trees. What do you all think?". "I wish I had something strong to drink right now because I do not think that I can take anymore surprises or shock at this moment ". Lan Qiren said as they all turns around and made their way towards one of the trees to sit under." That could be arranged shufu I will be right back". A-Sang said as he made his way towards his rooms." What does he means it could be arranged?". Da-ge asked skeptical.
"I do not think you want to know the answer to that Da-ge ". Wen Qing answers as they reached a path of grass and sat down. " I guess not". He answered. " So the no drinking rule does not apply at this moment ". Wen Ning could not help but asked which earned him a glare from Da-ge and Wen Qing. He squirmed into himself." A-Ning at this moment I think we all would forgiven with everything that's been happening and what we just saw". Xichen answered even though he knows he won't be drinking but lord knows he sure as hell wants to but one drunk Lan would be enough he thought to himself.

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