Chapter 31

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"I will not asked you again. Who are you and how did you get through the wards of our sect". Lan Qiren asked angrily. Everybody came out of their shock and next thing you know all you heard is swords being unsheath. Fenhua was confused and shocked at everyone. He let go off Lan Zhan and A-Ying and looked at them with sad eyes before he said.
" It's me Fenhua. Your eldest son. How don't you not recognize your own flesh and blood ". He all but screams at them. Lan Zhan and A-Ying stood up and before the two can say a word Wen Rouhan spoke while holding the twins close to his chest." Wen Zhuliu". Said man immediately understood and starts to walk towards Fenhua who looks on with wide fearful eyes. He does not know what is going on. Why is everyone behaving like this. As Wen Zhuliu approach him. He stretched his hand out and just as he was about to slam it into his lower daintian a blast of energy threw him backwards making him skit on his feet and there before them stood the most beautiful black wolf with white paws. Eyes blood red with a ring of gold around it. He tapped its paws on the floor as it looks around and then let's out an angry growl. His k nines were long and he snap it as his gaze hovered over the group. Lan Zhan and A-Ying finally snapped out of their trance. "Fenhua?". A-Ying and Lan Zhan asked confuse and the wolf turns around slowly. He walked towards them. Eyeing them curiously. He stopped before them and starts to sniff them before making a content and satisfied low growl. A-Ying stretch his hand out and let it glide over its face and walks around it while rubbing his hand over his fur. It is so soft and smooth. Lan Zhan looks into its eyes and the two stare at each other for some time before he reached out his hand and touched the wolf's face tenderly." How?". He asked softly. "You are beautiful". And the wolf purr with joy. "Can you shift into your human form and tell us what happened". A-Ying asked and the wolf nods his head and shifts before them and their stood their son even though he is not ten years old any more. He is a young man of around about sixteen or seventeen if they are right. God he is just as old as them but it is understandable. He is after all Chenqing and Wanji's son. Lan Zhan took of his outer robes and wrapped it around their son who was still wearing his way to small sleeping robes. Its only then that Fenhua realise that he is not so small anymore because he can almost looked his father in the eyes. He looks at his hands which are definitely bigger his eyes roam his body. He is definitely taller because he tower over his baba that he had to look down to now. A-Ying took his hand and lead him to the table before pouring him a cup of tea to drink. He drank it slowly still confused. His eyes glides around the table and he saw that they had put their swords away but were looking at him with shock on their faces. Okay this is so weird. Then that means that was not just a nightmare like he first thought. "Fenhua could you tell us what happened please". Lan Zhan asked softly. He looked at his father's and said." Well I had a nightmare". They looked confused and he proceeded to tell them everything. Once he was done he looked around and the faces were still the same. He should really try and stop acting on his impulses if this is the outcome. How was he to know that everything was real. If he could drink. He would have a jar of wine right now just to settled the nerves. "Well no one told me that you had an older son A-Ying and A-Zhan ". Wen Rouhan said when he finally found his voice. "I have to say he is quite handsome. Definitely got my looks. I never thought that my life would be so much richer with three great nephews or what do you say Qiren ". He asked and immediately the atmosphere seems lighter. Huaisang, Wen Ning, Wen Qing and Xichen were just staring at Fenhua and when he looks at them they just gave small smiles. Lan Qiren is still trying to wrap his head around everything and felt anger towards himself. He just screamed at his own great nephew." Shufu could not have known. So please do not blame yourself. It will be difficult for all of us to get used to me like this". Fenhua said without even realizing.
"How did you know what I was thinking fenhua". Lan Qiren asked shocked. "Huh. No I was just thinking since shufu were so harsh earlier that maybe shufu feels guilty". He answered. How did he know what shufu was thinking. He needs to get out of here and think.
"No you don't we will figure this out together as a family. Do you hear me?". A-Ying said to him softly and he looks at his Baba who just knowingly smiles at him. He nods his head and continues to drink his tea. Once the shock had worn off completely. They continue to talk and making plans. They had their dinner in the Gentian house and afterwards everyone went to their separate residence and rooms.

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