Chapter 8

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Lan Zhan and A-Ying told their uncle and brother about what happened in the bunny field. Xichen was so excited but disappointed at the same time he wished he could see their wolves again maybe give them a pat. Lan Qiren on the other hand was having a really hard time. He didn't mind the wolves what he can't wrap his mind around are the fact that they talked. He knew he would never reached immortality not that he wanted to but with how things are going on he think he will be award an early grave. And he said as much to the boys. He don't think he will ever be ready for what's still to come. May the heavens bless him with a strong heart from this day forward. And if that's not all, he never knew that his nephew is so shameless. Where did he go wrong in raising and teaching the boy. Kissing poor A-Ying senseless in the bunny field. His hands all over his son. He saw blood. Needless to say they are banned from the bunny field, the library, A-Ying is not allow to visit the Jingshi unsupervised anymore. He just know that shameless nephew  of his will find another place to take his poor innocent A-Ying to. Not on his watch. A-Ying is currently under his supervision doing whatever da hell he's doing right now. Probably working on some talismans. The boy is truly talented. So he won't let his nephew distract him no. In the mean time A-Ying is moping silently while painting portraits of his Lan Zhan. He doesn't understand why shufu are doing this. He and Lan Zhan are betrothal after all. He wonders how his Lan Zhan are surviving without him. He can feel himself withering away. Probably leading to a slow death would anyway be beter then this torture. He slump forward his upper body laying on top of table. Oh Lan Zhan I hope that you are being treated beter than me my love.

Xichen had the unfortunate task to watch over his brother. Who is currently glaring at him with so much anger . This was not his idea he should go to his uncle and relay his grievances to him. " Lan Zhan there is no use in being angry. What you and A-Ying did was bordering on indecency and you know that. Anyone could have seen you in the bunny field and if I didn't walked in on the two of you in the Jingshi I shudder to think what would've happened. You are both young and I know that you are starting to experience changes in your bodies but really A-Zhan I found you on top of A-Ying and both of you were just in your inner robes". Xichen told him.
" Why did Xichen-ge had to tell uncle. Me and A-Ying are betrothal. You and uncle has no right to separate us. I would never do anything to hurt A-Ying brother and uncle should know that". Lan Zhan answered him with a cold voice that send shivers down Xichen spine. "A-Zhan betrothal or not. You know the rules. Uncle and I are only doing what's best for the two of you". He told Lan Zhan. Really A-Zhan are so damn stubborn and unreasonable. What da hell is he pouting. No I will not fold. Be strong Xichen. " A-Zhan you and A-Ying will still be able to see each other not just being alone anymore. You have shown us the both of you can't be trusted.
A-Zhan I hope you will reflect on what happened. Uncle had decided that you should be put into meditated seclusion to reflect on your actions recently and also to copy the book of conduct five times. I'm sorry A-Zhan I hope you understand ". Xichen said while standing up. When he saw the look on Lan Zhan's face he once again shiver because if looks could kill he most certainly would have been dead on the spot. Maybe he should tell uncle that the both of them should sleep with one eye open. Yes most definitely. He quickly turns on his heels and walked out the Jingshi.

Lan Zhan looked at the book of conduct getting the urge to rip it to pieces. They don't understand, they never will. It's not his fault that they can't find someone. He wondered how is poor A-Ying is doing. Will they even know how he takes his food. He's missing him so much that he can actually feel his heart break into a million pieces. A few kisses that was all okay what almost happened in the Jingshi was not entirely their fault. They just got a little carried away. His brother and uncle should thanks the heavens that he care about them so much because he just took the love he had for them back. Their family bond has been severed for good. Nobody take his A-Ying away from him. He misses him so much. He will fight to live for his A-Ying in this lonely deserted place. He will not allow them to win. No he will draw strength from his broken heart and keep on living and the day he got released from this hell hole of a prison. He will take his A-Ying away from this place, from the people who dare to separate them. He will tell A-Ying that they are not their family but strangers. How is he to survive somebody please tell him.

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