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At this point in time, Scar has longer hair that reaches past his shoulders that he usually keeps in a braid or a ponytail. Also Scott has a motorcycle that Nathan bought him for his 18th birthday.

TWs: mention of suicide/attempts, implication of an eating disorder. Stay safe my loves <3


It was quiet in the hospital room aside from the beeping of the machines currently keeping Grian's state stable. The boy was sleeping still after his surgery and Mumbo, Scar, and Lizzie were sitting in the room waiting for him to wake up. Joel had to go back to work.

Mumbo glanced over when Scar sniffled. He was crying. "Come on, don't cry," Mumbo whispered, his eyes watering. "I'll start crying..."

"What do you want me to do?" Scar said, sloppily wiping at his eyes. "Our boyfriend has cancer, he could di-"

"Shut up," Mumbo snapped. "He's not- He'll be fine. He's strong. He's strong."

Scar stared at Mumbo for a moment before sobbing. He didn't say anything, he just cried. And for the first time he didn't seek physical comfort from Mumbo. The latter probably scared him out of it.

Lizzie sighed. "If they removed the tumor," she said to the two of them, "he should be fine. They'll probably have to do some chemo or radiotherapy to make sure all of the cancer cells are gone, but he'll be okay."

Scar sniffled, nodding. He glanced at Mumbo and mumbled, "Can I have a hug?"

Mumbo smiled softly at him. "Of course," he said, then wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. He kissed the top of Scar's head, running his hand through his soft, long hair that Scar had taken out of its braid. "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"'S fine," Scar murmured into Mumbo's chest.

"I think we're all just a bit wound up," Lizzie said, smiling gently at them, then she stood up slowly, a hand on her stomach. "I'm going to the vending machine. You boys want anything?"

"Spicy Doritos," Scar answered practically immediately, making Mumbo giggle. The brunette recently had an obsession with spicy chips and he ate them any chance he got. "Aaaaaand... a bottle of green tea." He yawned after letting go of Mumbo.

"I can go to the machine," Mumbo offered, and Lizzie shook her head.

"That's fine," she said. "I'll be okay to walk two feet out the door."

Mumbo nodded. "Okay," he said, blushing a bit. He figured the vending machines were farther away.

Scar snickered at Mumbo when Lizzie left the room. "Silly, silly Mumbo," he teased, then kissed his nose. He paused. "Wait, you didn't tell Lizzie what you wanted."

"I'm okay," Mumbo promised, returning the kiss on the nose Scar gave him. "I just want to make sure Grian's alright."


Lizzie ended up checking herself, Scar, and Mumbo into a hotel room nearby the hospital since it was about a forty-minute drive from Rivendell and Lizzie couldn't keep driving that far back and forth twice every day. Joel stayed with Grian overnight once he got off of work to make sure Grian had someone there for him if he woke up during the night.

"Come on, kiddo," Joel whispered tiredly to the sleeping boy. It was about midnight at this point. "Just for a little bit, wake up, please..."

There was no response.

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