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This takes place two weeks after the last chapter

CWs/TWs: referenced/mentioned self-delete attempt, mentioned starvation/eating disorder, mentioned abuse, Stockholm syndrome


"You're officially cancer-free," Doc said, and Grian gasped and turned to look at Joel, who looked like he was about to cry. "We'll keep on chemo for an extra couple of weeks to ensure the cancer doesn't return, or if you want, we can stop now."

Grian let out a long breath. "Can we just stop now?" he asked.

"Grian, it's safer if we keep doing chemo," Joel said softly. "That way, it won't come back."

Grian whined. "But I hate chemo," he complained. "It's dumb and it makes me throw up."

Joel gave a soft, gentle smile. "I know, buddy," he said, "but it'll help keep you healthy." He turned to Doc. "We'll keep doing the chemo." He chose to ignore Grian's stream of whines and complaints that followed.

They stayed at the hospital for a couple more hours whilst Grian got a chemo drip, then they left for Wendy's then home.

"I'm sleepy," Grian said as they walked in the door.

"You can take a nap while I make dinner," Joel said. "We're have barbecue udon tonight."

Grian did a little cheer, then hurried up to his room for a nap.

Joel shook his head, smiling. "I love him."


"What suit do you think looks better?" Scar asked, holding a maroon suit up to his body, then a dark purple one.

"Definitely the red one."

Scar groaned. "It's maroon, Nana!" he said. "Maroon!"

His grandmother chuckled as she snapped a picture with her phone. "Alright, sweetie. Why don't you go over to your boyfriend's house for dinner tonight?" she asked. "I have some friends from my computer class that want to go out tonight."

Scar nodded, beaming. "Yeah!"


Scott had been placed in a short-term residential for a week for therapy after their suicide attempt, then they went to move in with Jimmy after. His parents didn't stop him when he came to get his things from his room. It took nearly three days to move everything from Amanda's and Nathan's to Jimmy's, but once it was done, Scott was finally able to relax. He didn't want to be at odds with Amanda and Nathan, but he wasn't ready to forgive them yet. Which Jimmy and Pix said was okay, so he was giving himself time to get over it without forcing himself for once.

"Do you want to share a room?" Jimmy asked Scott as the latter made dinner for the two of them. "Or do you want your own?"

Scott hummed to themself thoughtfully. "I'm fine with sharing a bedroom," they said, flipping over an egg in the frying pan. "But I would like to have an office for my art, just so I don't take over your space with my mess. Oh!" They jumped when Jimmy came behind them, wrapping his arms around his middle and resting his chin on top of their head. "Hello."

"You can do whatever you want, my love," Jimmy said lovingly. He sounded sleepy. "And it's our space now, okay? None of this mine or yours business. Just ours."

Scott smiled. Moving in with Jimmy was such a relief because now he had the liberty to do virtually anything he wanted without a parent (cough cough Nathan) nagging him over it. And having an 'our space' made him feel all the more comfortable being there. "Okay."

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