Commercial Break: Camping and Star Gazing

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This'll be like the APBAON cutscenes, little stories/oneshots that are canon to the storyline but aren't a part of this book's plot.

This oneshot takes place during the summer of the previous school year (Mumbo and Grian are sophomores, Scar is a junior)

All fluff!


Grian yawned then sighed happily as he walked out into the warm evening air from the cabin. Surprisingly, it was much cooler outside than it was inside. He stared up at the sky, admiring the amount of stars he was able to see. You couldn't get that kind of view in the city.

He'd gone on a camping trip up north in Mezalea with Mumbo and Scar (treat of Scar's grandmother, who owned the cabin), and he'd fallen asleep after they made s'mores. Somehow he made it upstairs to the bedroom, though he assumed one of his boyfriends carried him up there so he could get good sleep. However, he was woken up by the heat.

Grian's attention was stolen from the sky by the sound of giggling, and he looked over at the hammock, where Scar and Mumbo were laying together.

"Pfft- Stop tickling me!" Scar begged, though he sounded like he was having the time of his life swatting Mumbo's hands away. "Mumbo!!"

Mumbo laughed. "Fine, fine," he sighed, then looked up at Grian. "Oh, you're awake! You fell asleep after smores."

Grian sighed. "Yeah, I know," he said. "You two look you're having fun."

"Grian!" Scar rolled over to face the dirty blonde. "Come join us!"

"I don't think there's room for another person on there," Grian said, eyeing the hammock nervously. It looked like it hardly even fit just Mumbo and Scar together. "What if we laid together in the grass? We could watch the stars."

Scar's eyes lit up. "Yes!"

The three of them found a spot at the edge of the hill by a small cliff to lay on, Grian laying in between the other two. It took a moment for them to get comfortable, but once they did, it was hard to want to get up.

"The stars are so pretty," Scar whispered, wrapping his arms around Grian's middle as the latter yawned and rest his head on Mumbo's chest.

"Not as pretty as you two," Mumbo whispered back. He wrapped an arm around Grian and ran the other through Scar's hair. "I love you guys."

"I love you, more," Grian said happily.

"Well, I love you guys the most," Scar said proudly, making his boyfriends whine. "What?"

"Come on, we can't beat that!" Mumbo pouted.

Grian snickered. "I can," he said. "I love you guys infinitely."

Mumbk and Scar laughed.

"You win, Gri."

"I know I do," Grian replied. "I have the best boyfriends in the world."


I know this is short, but I just wanted to break up the angst in the story a bit with this. I'm definitely going to be periodically writing more of these.

I hope you guys enjoyed the angst break!

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