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This chapter has fluff, I promise

It also has Wither Husbands <33

CWs/TWs: mentioned sh, suspicion of cheating, mention of abuse


Scott was given fluids and a painkiller drip to help with their soreness when the doctor finally showed. He'd said there was nothing that stood out to him as potentially life-threatening, so he simply said to leave Scott at the hospital for two days so they could monitor their symptoms.

"Otherwise, it just looks like a prolonged case of the flu," Doc said. "I'm a little bit nervous about all of the pain he's experiencing, but as long as it improves by the end of forty-eight hours I'm sure he'll be fine."

Amanda let out a long sigh of relief. "Thank the gods above," she breathed, leaning into Nathan, who wrapped an arm around her.

"Yeah, and the fever should already be going down already because of the fluids," Doc continued.

"Good, good." Amanda looked up at Nathan with a smile that he returned. "They're going to be alright."

Nathan nodded. "They'll be fine."


Grian sat in the corner of his room with his knees pulled up to his chest and his face buried in his hands. He was having an awful day. First, he had to get a check-up and Joel wasn't even there with him; second, he had to get his chemo shot which sucked; third, he lost his Grumbot stuffie that Scar grandmother made him; and now he just found out Jimmy was cutting himself. Today sucks.

He jumped when there was a knock at his bedroom door. "Hey, Gri," Scar's voice said through the door. "Can I come in?"

Grian stared at the door for a moment, then sighed. "Go ahead."

When Scar came into the room, he looked rough. And that was putting it lightly. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair was a mess and looked tugged at, and he was wearing a very oversized T-shirt that he didn't have on before. Grian recognised the shirt as Mumbo's participation "award" for a city robotics fair by the text on it and the little robot in the upper corner. Grian smiled a bit at the fact that Scar packed Mumbo's old T-shirt for their sleepover.

"Are you okay?" Grian asked quietly, and Scar laughed a bit.

"Are you?" The brunette waddled over to sit next to Grian on the floor, scooting as close to him as possible. "I'm sorry for yelling it like that."

Grian shrugged. "I'm not, like, triggered by it," he said with a yawn, resting his head on Scar's shoulder. "I just don't like talking about it, I guess."

Scar nodded. "That's fair."

The two of them had fallen into a comfortable silence for a while, the only sound their breathing and a few yawns from Grian.

"Are you tired?" Scar asked suddenly, making Grian jump a little bit. "We can go to bed if you want."

Grian shook his head and shifted to lean heavily into Scar's side. "No, I like this," he murmured, wrapping his arms around Scar's middle and closing his eyes. He took a calm, deep breath. "This is nice."

Scar chuckled and rubbed Grian's back. "I like this, too." He sighed happily as Grian settled into him some more, the two of them sat in the quiet room, enjoying each other's company. This is everything I need and more, Scar thought as he heard Grian begin to snore. Aww!

"Mm... love..." Grian shifted a bit in Scar's lap, murmuring sleepy nonsense, eyebrows furrowing. "Sam..." Scar froze at the name.


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