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No CWs or TWs!!


Grian sighed and rolled over in the hospital bed, covering himself up with the heated blanket. He hated being there, and he hated even more the fact that he was missing prom because of it. He hoped his friends were having a good time at least.

"I'm really sorry, buddy," Joel said with a sigh at seeing how upset Grian looked. "I know you were really looking forward to prom and going with your boyfriends. If I could, I'd make this all go away just for one day so you could go to prom."

Grian let out a soft sigh. "It's... whatever," he mumbled, covering his mouth with the blanket. "Just wanna go home."

Joel nodded. "I feel you, kiddo." He looked up when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," he called to whoever was on the other side, gasping when it was Mumbo and Scar dressed up in nice suits with large bags of who knows what. "I-"

"Griiiiaaaaan," Scar practically sang, setting the bags down. Grian didn't respond. "Babe, look!"

Groaning, Grian reluctantly rolled over in the bed. He bolted upright at seeing how fancy his boyfriends looked, though he was mostly surprised at seeing both of his boyfriends. "Mumbo!" he shouted, throwing the blanket off to beckon the taller boy closer for a hug. "Mumbo, I thought you left already!"

Mumbo laughed a bit. "I convinced my dad to let me stay with Scar," he said. "I couldn't leave you guys."

"You don't hate us?" Grian asked, pulling away just enough to look at Mumbo. "You acted so mean before."

Mumbo nodded a bit. "I... I was stupid," he sighed. "I thought I was being smart, but I wasn't. I just wanted to make it easier for me to leave you two, but I just hurt all three of us instead. I'm really sorry, Grian."

Grian smiled, tears in his eyes. "I forgive you," he said, then kissed Mumbo, scooting closer to the edge of the bed.

"Grian, buddy, you gotta be careful," Joel reminded his son. "You still can't stand on your own, so don't fall off the bed."

Mumbo blinked. "You can't stand?"

Grian huffed and crossed his arms, turning his head away angrily. "Stupid chemo broke my legs."

Joel rolled his eyes, a soft smile on his face. "It's some temporary nerve damage," he said, "nothing that serious. It'll heal." He looked over at the mountain of plastic bags piled on the floor. "What are those?"

Scar and Mumbo looked at each other, beaming.

"Since Grian can't go to prom," Scar said, "we brought the prom to Grian!" He grabbed a bag and pulled out a bunch of packs of balloons and streamers. "We got a whole bunch of decorations and ice cream and cookies and snacks."

"And Scott and Jimmy are coming later on, too," Mumbo added. "They just wanted to spend some time at the actual prom first."

Grian stared at Scar and Mumbo in shock, the already-there tears in his eyes growing in number as he soaked in what they'd said. They really cared so much about him that they would miss prom - the one and only prom - for him? And they put in so much effort, too... He watched, letting warm tears roll down his cheeks, as the two began to blow up balloons and toss them at each other, laughing so beautifully together.

"Aww, G, don't cry," Mumbo said with a gentle smile, handing him a balloon to blow up.

"Thank you," was all Grian could manage to whisper as he took the balloon. Then he let it all go. He cried as hard as he could without causing too much noise for the rooms next door, letting Scar and Mumbo wrap their arms around him in a warm, comforting embrace. His boyfriends were together, they didn't hate each other, and they were having their own little prom in the hospital with Grian instead of going to the real one. They missed it just for him. He felt so special.

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