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You got your fluff chapter, time for more angst


"Did you really mean what you said?" Scott asked as he and Jimmy drove home from the hospital.


"About, like..." They paused for a second, fidgeting with their dress, which was becoming extremely uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Having more fun with them than me?" The question was so quiet, Scott was almost sure Jimmy wouldn't hear it.

Jimmy laughed nervously. "Babe, what are you talking about?" he said, glancing between his partner and the road in front of him. "I never said that."

Scott sniffled, breaking Jimmy's heart. "You said- You- You said you had m-more fun there than at p-prom," they stammered softly, trying their hardest not to start crying.

Ohh... "Scott, I didn't mean it like that," Jimmy said with a gentle smile. "I meant that the activities were more fun. Not the people."

Nodding, Scott looked away. "Right, sorry," he said, then sobbed. "Sorry- sorry-"

"Don't apologise," Jimmy said. "I shouldn't have said that in the first place, I guess. Grian looked upset that I mentioned the prom, too, so I caused a little more than just doubt. I'm sorry."

The car ride was quiet for a bit after that apart from Scott's occasional, "You're not mad at me, are you?" Every time, Jimmy had answered with no because he wasn't, but after a while, the question started to get annoying and Jimmy was tempted to say yes.

But then he realised something.

Scott said they were out of their anxiety medication...

"Scott, are you out of everything?"


Joel stared at Grian, who was sleeping peacefully after such a long night, and sighed. He thought back to the article he read earlier. It could've been that, or perhaps he developed a real sleeping disorder because of his bad habits. It would explain how fucking difficult it is for me to sleep right now, he thought, leaning back in his chair.

He'd stayed with Grian since he was admitted and had only ever left to get food or to ask the nurse for something. Just being there alone made everything more difficult, like keeping himself entertained or keeping himself upbeat when Grian needed it. Believe me, he needs it. Hospitals were the worst.

Grian started to stir, which was normal for him, expecially if he had a nightmare, which was was also (unfortunately) quite normal for him. He had dreams about Joel leaving and Lizzie becoming like her and hurting him, he dreamt about Scar and Mumbo becoming abusive toward him and only using him for his body, and the worst of them all, he had dreams about dying from cancer. Joel was relieved that the cancer was gone now, but it concerned him that Grian had dreams like that. All those dreams always concerned him.

Didn't Grian's body know he was safe? And what causes those dreams other than just trauma?

He was pulled out of his thoughts when his phone began to rang. He checked and immediately answered when he saw it was Lizzie. "Hey, dear."

"Hi," she said sleepily. "I hope I didn't wake you."

Joel smiled at the sentiment. "I wasn't sleeping anyway."

She sighed. "How is Grian doing?"

"He's doing okay," he answered. "He's sleeping right now." He smiled a bit when Grian relaxed again, returning to his peaceful state of sleep. "How are you?"

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