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CWs/TWs: abandonment issues, PTSD, flashbacks, blood, abuse, blade, sh. Just an extra warning, this chapter does go into detail with abuse and using a sharp object to hurt someone. Please stay safe, my loves <3


"Hey, G," Bdubs said, walking up to the table with Grian, fWhip, and Sausage. "Hey, fWhip and Sausage." He sighed as he sat down.

Grian frowned. "You okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned. "You look upset."

Bdubs shrugged and rested his chin in his palm. "I like Impulse," he said, "but he's dating stupid Tango and Zedaph." He groaned and let his head fall onto the table. "I hate everything."

Maybe he is a real human being with emotions, was the first thought to cross Grian's mind, and it almost made him giggle.

"There are tons of people you'll have the chance of dating," Sausage said. "Maybe Impulse isn't the one?"

"But who else is there?" Bdubs lifted his head. "I really like Impulse. He's so... so... him, you know?"

fWhip and Sausage looked at each other, smiling. "Yeah, we know," they said in unison.

Bdubs sighed. "I just he..." He looked up and paused, watching a boy with long, brown hair walk by. He sat upright and stared for a moment. "Who is that?"

Grian looked over. "Who, Ren?" he said.

Ren waved at a blonde boy and sat down next to him, laughing when another boy at the table said something.

"Ren..." Bdubs smiled a bit. "I'm going to go say hi." He stood up and left without another word.

Sausage giggled. "He's silly."


Scar was furious. Absolutely livid. Raging.

Mumbo called him after school to tell him that he was going home with his father once he was legally allowed to leave the rehab center, which meant he was going to be taken all the way to Hermit Town. In another province. Hours away.

"Your dad has no right to do that," Scar had said, and Mumbo gave him a weird look.

"He's my dad, Scar."


Scar spent the rest of the day crying and throwing fits about it. Although he knew Mumbo probably never told his dad about Scar and Grian being his boyfriends, it was still infuriating that his father would separate him from all of his friends.

"I can't do anything about it," Mumbo had said. "If I refuse to go with him, CPS will put me in foster care instead."

"Stay with me!" Scar begged. "Nana loves you, she wouldn't mind!"

Mumbo didn't answer that, instead telling Scar he had to leave for an activity.

Scar had a meltdown after, afraid he would hardly ever see his boyfriend anymore. He suddenly hated Mumbo's father.


Mumbo couldn't understand why Scar was so upset. It wasn't like he would have to live with his dad for long. His eighteenth birthday was just around the corner, so he could leave practically whenever he wanted. And Scar was already eighteen, so he wouldn't have any problems visiting if he wanted to. Unless he didn't want to...

Suddenly, Mumbo wanted to cry.


The Smiley Guy

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