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Just so you're aware, all of the side effects and ways of dealing with the side effects that are written are not accurate to every person. It's different for most people and a lot of people deal with it differently because everyone's bodies are different, this is just what I know from my own experiences.

Anyway, there are so TWs for this chapter! But here's just a forewarning there is vomiting in this chapter and there are needles mentioned. Stay safe and enjoy!


When Grian woke up, he was back in his bed at home. He felt really... weird. He was exhausted and his limbs felt so heavy. Staring at the ceiling, he felt himself start to drift off again, then he felt nauseous.

Really nauseous.

Grian tossed the covers off of himself and darted for the door of his room. He threw the door open and vomited all over Joel, who was standing there with a plate of food.

"I guess you won't be wanting this, then?" the brunette asked awkwardly with a soft smile as Grian panted.

The boy looked up at him. "You think?"


"Doc should've warned us beforehand about the vomiting," Joel sighed as Lizzie walked into the room with a bucket. "Babe, go lay down! You're supposed to be resting."

Lizzie rolled her eyes. "I'm only four months," she said. "I'm fine to walk around with an empty bucket."

Joel narrowed his eyes at her. "You wouldn't say that if you were seven and a half months," he said.

"But I'm not, so I will say it." Lizzie handed the bucket to Grian and kissed his forehead. "I'll grab you something small to eat, alright? And some tea."

Grian blinked. "I thought you weren't supposed to eat anything when you're sick?"

"This is different," Joel said as Lizzie left the room. "Right now, your body needs nurtients and protein more than usual because the chemo can cause a lot of problems if you're unhealthy during the treatment."

"So, I have to eat constantly?" Grian deadpanned. "Are you serious?"

Joel yawned and rubbed at his eyes. "Not constantly," he said. "Just... a bit more than normal. You're going to feel pretty nauseous while your body is adjusting to the chemo, so you'll have to eat in smaller portions more frequently. You'll probably have to eat like this for the rest of the week, then on every day you get the chemo shots."

Grian looked uneasy at the mention of the shots. "How often do I have to take them?" he murmured.

"Doc said every three or four days," Joel answered, then he yawned again. "Every two weeks, you'll have a week off so your body doesn't get over-exhausted."

Grian seemed to relax a little bit. "I'm just glad it's not every day," he said with a sigh.

Joel smiled. "You'll be alright," he said. "Just Think less about the needle and more about the fact that you're going to get better. Okay?"

Grian nodded. "Okay."

"And make sure you eat, alright? You need the strength." Joel stood up and kissed the top of Grian's head. "I have to go get some schoolwork done, but you can shoot me a text if you need something. I love you."

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