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Sorry for not being so on top of updating recently. I've just got a new job, the marching season has kicked into full gear, school is starting, and I've been distracted with other projects (such as the new HotGuy and Canary book I'm writing that you should totally go check out wink wink).

CWs/TWs: PTSD/flashbacks, panic attacks, referenced/mentioned abuse, self-delete attempt, and medicine overdose. PLEASE stay safe you guys!!! You're more important than a fanfiction. /gen


Joel was ready to give up when he heard a knock on the front door. He sighed, getting up from his desk to answer the door. He knew it was Etho, so he woke Grian up from his nap on the way downstairs.

"Hey, Etho," Joel said tiredly as he opened the door. "Grian's getting up, just give him a second."

Etho smiled and nodded. "When was the last time you slept?" he asked, and waited for Joel to answer.


"Dude, if you have to think about it, then you need a nap."

Joel rolled his eyes and leaned against the doorframe. "I'm busy," he said, earning a quirked eyebrow from Etho. "I have work and school and a kid. You think I have time for sleep?"

Etho laughed. "You're in med school, Joel. You should know how important sleep is."

"Not when I have stuff to do." The sound of footsteps had Joel turning over his shoulder to face Grian, who had a red one of Lizzie's hair wraps on his head. "Hey, squirt. You ready to go?"

Grian yawned and looked up at Joel. "Go where?"

"Your uncle's house," Etho said with a chuckle and Grian smiled. "Come on, Impulse and Bdubs are waiting at home."

Grian blinked. "Impulse?" he echoed curiously. "Bdubs didn't say Impulse was there."

"Ah, right." Etho lifted a hand to scratch his head. "I wasn't supposed to say that... Oh, well." He shrugged. "That won't stop you from coming, will it?"

Grian shrugged, then shook his head. "No."

"Alright, then. Let's go."


Scott clung to Jimmy as the latter played Five Nights at Freddy's on his phone in the living room. The cyanette gasped and shook Jimmy. "What was that noise?" they shouted, and Jimmy laughed as they shook him some more. "Why is it playing music?!"

"Relax, Scott," Jimmy said. "It's just music-" He stopped to yelp when he was jumpscared by Foxy, then he tossed his phone across the living room and hugged Scott.

Scott snickered. "Relax, Jimmy," they teased. "It's just Foxy."

Jimmy snorted, then laughed. "Come on, it was only the second night!"

"Can I try?" Scott asked as Jimmy stood to pick up his phone.

"Sure," Jimmy said with a shrug, then handed Scott his phone. "You know how to play, right?"

Scott giggled. "Of course I know how to play FNAF," he said, scoffing. "You dare question my abilities as a gamer?"

Jimmy gave him a fond look as he sat down again. "Never."

Scott clicked 'continue' and settled into Jimmy's side, muting the Phone Guy. "I've heard that spiel one too many times," he murmured, checking the cameras. Luckily for them, neither Bonnie or Chica moved off the stage until 2 A.M.

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