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There he is, standing anxiously waiting for me to open the door. Unsure of how to feel about this I crack the door.


"Eve are you okay?" His hand is on the door frame and he steps closer to the crack in the door.

"Just a bad day. It's been a lot. I'm okay though." I force a smile to him and he frowns.

"I can listen. I'm already here." His eyes finally catch mine and I sigh opening the door for him to come inside.

"Do you want something to drink?" I ask, trying to distract myself from my feelings.

"Sure, wine if ya have any." He leans into the kitchen doorway and watches me.

"What happened Eve?"

"I-I really don't want to go into it." I say handing him the glass.

He follows me into the living room and we sit beside each other. Sipping my wine a few times I set it down before deciding it might just be better to talk with someone.

"Some bar patrons just got handsy and rowdy. There has been one guy in particular that keeps wanting me to go out with him and I refuse every time. He doesn't get the hint. I'm just not used to working at a bar, I know this stuff happens to women but..." I trail off and watch him set his glass down.

"Don't think you have to deal with this behavior. Working at a bar or not, doesn't give anyone the excuse to act that way." His hand comes over to hold mine.

"Then there was another man that grabbed me when I was serving a party. Thankfully the person in control took care of him. But it—it scared me, I thought he was going to kill the guy." Nico's hand tightens around mine. I was happy I ran into him tonight, he was all I could think about.

"I'll be honest, I was happy to see you. It felt nice to know someone was there that knew me. My eyes meet his and I tear up, reaching out for him. Without hesitation he holds me against him tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm here Eve, I've got you." He rests on my shoulder and I relax into him.

"It's not your fault." I cry harder into him.

It's quiet for some time between us and after a while he laid me beside him on the couch. With my bed calling to me I sit up and take Nico's hand, and he follows me to my room.

"If you're staying I'd rather you be comfortable." I crawl into bed  snuggling up.

My room is dimly lit by a nightlight on the desk. It's little cutouts in it casting stars across the room and it shadows his face. It covered everything except his eyes and mouth and I jumped thinking of the guy in the ski mask.

"Eve?" Nico moves closer to me and his face lights up.

"It's nothing." I wave my hand.

"I can sleep on the couch, I don't have to be in your-"

"I don't want to be by myself." I sit up.

"I understand if you don't want to." I add.

Nico slips off his pea coat laying it across my chair, then he slips off his shoes and then his shirt. He's covered in tattoos, then he is finally down to his briefs. He slides into bed beside me and I lay back down. Do I? Anytime I've been with anyone like this was to have sex. Not to comfort me like this. I want him to hold me but I don't even know how to not make this weird.

"Come here." Nico slides me over to him, I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Try not to think so much, get some rest. I'm here okay." He held me tight and I closed my eyes.

I must've drifted off at some point because I woke up and it's morning. The sky is stormy and it looks like snow, causing it to be a pretty dark morning. I'm still tangled up with Nico, he hasn't moved an inch. Slowly I untangle myself from him and go make some breakfast for us. Quickly I whip up some eggs and toast and head back into my room. Nico is sitting up against the headboard checking his phone.

"Morning." I smile, blushing as I get back into bed.

"Mornin." He grunts straightening up. I passed a plate to him along with some coffee.

"Eve, you didn't have to make anything."

"It's the least I could do for you coming to check in on me." I poke at my eggs and think of how different this is. He was a stranger days ago and now, here he sits in my bed.

"You were hurting, I could tell. Even if you did lie and say you're fine." He sets his plate down beside him. Gently his hand reaches over to my chin and he smiles looking down on me.

"I'll protect you, and make sure you're not hurting Eve. Trust that." He kisses me softly, then brushes the tip of his nose to mine. Once again I'm at a loss for words.

"I—uh thank you." I look up to his intense stare.
His lips meet mine again and I melt against the headboard.

"What are you doing later?" His thumb runs over my lips.

"Working." I answer. Nico's brows furrow at what I said.

"I want you to call me if anyone starts bothering you."

"I need your number for that." He reaches over to my phone, grabbing it.

"Evie! Evie I'm home!" Mary flings open the door to my bedroom and stops.

"Oh! Oh holy shit I'm sorry!" Her face turns red and she grabs the door.

"Hello." Nico says calm and collected. Mary thinks she's walking in on something but she has no idea.

"H-Hi." She smiles and looks at me, her eyes wide.

"Mary, this is Nico. Nico, my roommate Mary."

I look up to Nico and he smiles holding his hand up to wave. Mary makes it really awkward, then giggles backing away and closing the door. Nico laughs then hands me my phone.

"I guess she approves." He hands me my phone with her text at the top reading.

"Holy fucking shit Evie he's gorgeous." I blush again, setting my phone down.

"Is that what you think too?" He chuckles.

"Well, I mean... you are.." He shuts me up with another kiss and I smile.

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