Drowning Sorrow

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Gurei parks in front of my place, then walks me to the door. Mary is waiting and she reaches out pulling me into a bear hug, and I hug her just as tightly. When I turn to say something to Gurei he looks just as pained as I do.

"Thank you." I say and his eyes soften a bit.

"You know I'd never let you get hurt, or Mary." He holds his hand out and caresses my face before he turns around to leave.

"Be good and stay away from bad guys." And with that he was gone.

I couldn't make a decision on what I wanted to do, and it looks like he has the same issue. Defeated, I stand on the porch watching him round the corner, then he's gone. It's an empty cold feeling when he isn't near me. Mary pulls me inside and helps me to wipe away more tears.

"Th-they didn't do anything to you did they?" I sit beside her on the couch grunting at my sore muscles.

"No, they  just tied me to the chair then waited for you. Evalyn why were they even after you? Those aren't people you associate with, so why?" Mary's hand is on my leg and her worried face watches mine.

"I—don't know. I tried to find out but—" Mary cuts me off.

"Evie cut the bullshit."

My head raises up and I now see her frustrated.

"For fuck sake you were kidnapped! Out of anyone Nico goes in to save you. You can't tell me you don't know." She now holds my hand between both of hers.

"Is this why you asked me about how I felt about him? If they took you to get to him, he's into some serious shit Evie. You could've died!"

"Do you think I don't know that Mary?! I watched someone get shot in the head! I'm pretty sure I know I could've died!"

I walk away from her into the kitchen. Shakily I pour myself a drink and close my eyes while flashbacks play.

"Am I fucking crazy for being heartbroken he just dropped me here? Like nothing. Like I was some little fucking chore he had to get out of the way before going about his life?!" I scream covering my head.

"I'm sorry Evie, I don't know what you went through. I'm just scared for you. I know you really like him, but don't let that make you blind for your safety."

"Thank you Mary. I knock back my drink then sigh. I have a lot going through my head, and you not being biased helps. I'm going to take a walk and clear my head." I grab my bag saying nothing else and leave.

"Evie! Wait!"

"I want to be alone. I'll be back later." My tears fall and I shut the door behind me.

My walk ended up taking me past the bar, but I passed it up heading deeper into town. Stopping by a few shops I quickly lose interest and find myself in one of those niche bars we all talked shit on at Marty's. It's super modern inside and I recognize no one. I order a drink and find a booth in the back. Getting obvious stares at my bruises. It doesn't take long for me to have a good buzz going on either.

Before I end up ordering more I pay my tab and leave. I must've lost track of time because when I got out onto the street the sun was setting. Patting myself down I realize I never got my phone back, which means Mary can't get a hold of me. Carefully I make my way back home, the closer I get to home the more anxious I feel. When I get to Marty's I'm stuck staring at the front. Should I go in?

"Evie! Hey!" I hear from behind me. Jumping I look over, it's Saul.

"What are you doing here?" I ask nervously. He squints at me then tilts his head.

"That was a dumb question... I'm sorry." I look away.

"Shouldn't you be home?"

He looks me up and down. What? Why would he? He must've been with Gurei when he came. Were they all there?

"Evie? Hello?" Saul waves his hand in front of my face.

"Let me take you home." Stumbling back away from him I shake my head.

"Thanks— but I don't need a babysitter."

I go inside and sit at the bar, annoyingly Saul follows. Paul sees me and his eyes widen.

"Evie." He leans across the bar to me.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to order a drink. Is that a problem?" I furrow my brows.


As he turns to make my drink I see him eye Saul. Saul then steps away from me and starts to walk away, but I grab him by the jacket.

"If you go fucking tattle to your boss you're a bitch. Sit the fuck down if you're going to follow me around like a puppy."

I strangely have enough strength to shove him into a bar stool. He's now wide eyed looking at me. Paul peeks over his shoulder at me then finally sets my drink down.


"Don't piss of the lady Saul." Paul warns.

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