Fourth Times The Charm

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Paul called to check in with me Thursday. Instead of going in on Friday he has me on Saturday and Sunday this week. I let him know Mary and I are probably going to be in on Friday to hang so I could speak to him more then. The rest of Thursday evening sets in and I spend it relaxing in bed early.

Friday there was literally no point of me coming in to work because they had a going away party for someone retiring. The whole office came together to have pizza and cake to celebrate. Mostly at my desk the rest of the day I sneak out early and grab a bite to eat before going over to the bar. I text Mary letting her know I'm already here.

"Evie how ya doing?" Paul leans in concerned.

"I'm okay. My headache was gone the next day. I just really want a drink."

"The usual?"

"Mmm yes, but make it a double."

I stretch and wince a bit at my remaining soreness. My hand is still tender to the touch as well, but I pay no mind to that.

"Here ya are." He sets the copper mug down with mint and candied ginger popping out of the top.

"Thank you Paul."

I take a bite of the ginger and sip my drink. That's when the stool beside me pulls out. Paul's face changes and he walks away. Thinking it's Mary I turn over smiling with the skewer of ginger in between my lips. But it's him again, my eyes widen and I turn away quickly.

"O-oh hey." I choke out, then take a few good chugs of my drink praying I'd get more courage than embarrassment.

"I just think you're following me everywhere now." He jokes, removing his gloves and unbuttoning his pea coat.

My eyes wander to his outfit underneath. Heavy combat boots, skinny cargo pants, and a turtleneck sweater clings to his torso accentuating his lean and toned body. My eyes are back to his throat tattoo, making me swallow hard as my eyes continue up to finally meet his dark stare.

"If anything, I think you're following me!" I smirk and reach for my drink again taking another gulp.

He laughs resting his head on one hand. His eyes access my injuries quickly but he's back to my eyes.

"Let me get your next drink. I'd say the fourth meeting is the charm." His voice lowers a bit and I cross my legs clearing my throat.

"Sure. I guess it could be." I taunt him flirting.
The liquid courage is kicking in somewhat. My phone rings, snapping me out of his stare.

"This is Evie." I answer.

"Eve, I can't make it. I have to go to work early tomorrow. I'll make it up to you."

"It's okay.. I'll be here for a while and I'll come in the back when I get home. Alright good night." Mary hangs up and I slip my phone back into my pocket.

"Boyfriend?" He asks.

"No, roommate." I answer.

"So we never did get properly introduced. I'm Nico." He holds his hand out to me. I get sucked into staring at his tattooed hands. Then I place mine in his, grabbing it firmly.

"Evalyn, Evie, Eve, which ever you choose."

"A pleasure, Eve."

His sensual voice catches me off guard, and even more so when his lips meet the back of my hand. Paul approaches and tilts his head at Nico, and Nico smiles a knowing smile at him.

"Drinks?" I nod.

"I've got hers. Hennessy for me. Just keep the tab open."

"Mhm" Paul walks away and starts to make our drinks.

"How do you like working for Paul?" Nico asks.

"It's good, although last weekend was my first weekend working, then I got pummeled with a door on my Sunday shift." I shrug and cover my face recalling the incident.

"Is that what this is from?" His fingers graze my forehead over the cut in my eyebrow then he lets my hair slip through my fingers.

"Mhm." I blush. Paul's back with our drinks and I thank him before taking a few sips.

"So—do you come here a lot? You must be local since we keep crossing paths."

"Yes I'm local. Moved outta town for a while, but ended up back here. I'm here from time to time, those weird bars don't do it for me to be honest. I don't need a bar to look all aesthetically pleasing to have a few good drinks."

He sips his new drink and I get stuck watching those lips caress his glass again. Nico smiles as he drinks, watching me right back. Turning my seat away from him I drink, my fingertips digging into my thigh. My god this man... he's too much. There is no way I can handle someone like this. My stomach tightens, and my body heats up making me lick my lips. That's when Nicos hand gently grabs mine under the bar, his fingers exploring softly before finally lacing his into mine. What?! What is he doing? Fuck this is hot.

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