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"Pay attention." He whispers and I flash to Gurei holding me the last night we saw one another.

My mind numbs and I slip down out of his hold and come back up with my blade. He wastes no time avoiding it and grabs my arm trying to go for my side.

"I—don't think so!"

I twirl out of his grasp and get distance from him. I've gotta find his weak point. There has to be something, maybe even a tell. There! Just then his feet shift and his muscles tense. I step towards him and he jabs just as I predicted, creating an opening and I take it.

"Ah ah ah!"

His body alters to counter me and he now has me on the ground leaning over me with his blade to my side.

"Gotcha." He breathes. His deep green eyes are locked on mine while we both huff out of breath.

"I guess you do."

Realizing now my arms are gripping his thick forearms I let go and clear my throat trying to sit up.

"Back in line rookie." He says helping me up.

"Right." I calmly exhale and then smooth my hair back into place.

"You all know knife fighting is almost always going to be close combat. You need to be confident and aware of your opponent. The second you come to doubt anything, it could be your life." Roan paces in front of the five of us.

"I look forward to seeing you all at next week's classes." He smiles and those deep eyes catch mine for just a moment longer and I look down at my feet.

Luckily my face is still flushed from our spar and hides me blushing on top of it. As soon as I'm home I shower and wash the sweat off me. These classes have definitely helped my confidence and my whole attitude as well. Snagging a quick lite dinner I'm off to bed, and I sleep like a log.

I'm inside the gym where we gather for self defense. I must be early because it's dark and quiet. Taking a seat on the bleachers the light flickers on and I'm blinded a bit.

"Evalyn, early as always." I hear Roan's voice echo.

"How about a little sparing before the rest of the crew gets here?" He finally appears.

He's wearing black shorts and a black workout tank, the arm holes are cut low so I can see his chiseled stomach and chest.

"I'm ready when you are." I stand up licking my lips.

"I've got another opponent besides me you're going to face."


My brows knit together, concerned. That's when Gurei steps out from behind him. Instantly my body freezes, he's walking closer to me and Roan is watching like I'm prey being hunted.

"Roan t-this isn't funny." My voice is shaken and I grip my knife tighter.

Gurei charges me and I do nothing to defend, and his dagger lands right in my chest. Gurei's eyes stare into mine and I cough, spattering blood across his face. Falling back onto the ground with a thud.

Gasping I jump from my dream holding my chest, my alarm blaring. Hunched over with my head in my hands I groan.

"God damn it!"

I rub my misty eyes and get myself going. My morning and afternoons are spent either practicing my knife skills or doing chores, albeit there isn't much with just me. With it being Friday it's only a matter of time before the crowd comes in and the party starts. Marcus, a co-worker I've been close with, is chatting up the locals at the bar while I get cocktail glasses ready to go. Marcus is the one who got me to go to Roan's classes but he dipped out the second it got hard. Just as we predicted the rush comes in and we have no time to think, just serve. When it's all said and done we lean back and look at each other laughing.

"Jesus was this Friday worse than last?" He wipes his head.

"It's almost summer break so I wouldn't doubt it." I do the same. Roan comes into the bar and sees us both.

"I thought y'all would be working hard and look at cha." He says taking a seat at the bar.

Straightening up I give him a half smile and walk to the bathroom. Fuck fuck fuck. I can't face him after what I dreamed. Shaking it off, I come back out and Marcus is serving Roan his drink, along with another.

"Evie, you're off." He looks to Roan and the seat beside him.

"I gotcha a drink. If you'd care to join me?" Roan smiles.

"Um, y-yeah sure." I sit beside him taking the glass in front of me.

"Gin and tonic. I hope that's what you want. Marcus better not be wrong."

"No, that's great, thank you." I sip and relax.

"You coming from the gym?" I ask.

"Nah long day at the shop." I notice his dirty hands and the clothes he's wearing, also the faint smell of motor oil.

"You work that late at the mechanic?"

"If it pays right." He holds his glass up and I clink mine to it.

"Cheers to that. Gotta keep up in a town like this."

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