Damsel in Distress

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"She'll make us a lot of money on auction. Look at those hips and ass."

I feel someone roughly grab and fondle me. Tightening my eyes shut my ears ring again at a loud bang then a thud hits the ground beside me. The room falls silent.

"Is anyone else going to try and touch my property?!" He screams, pointing the gun around the room. The gun comes towards me and I flinch, preparing for the worst.

"Please please don't." I whisper, tears now uncontrollable. He snips the zip ties from my ankles and helps me up to stand.

"What the fuck are y'all standing around me for?! You have jobs, so fucking do em!" He yells.

"Let's go get you cleaned up Evalyn." He wipes some blood from my face, making me shudder.

Everyone left us and now I'm stuck alone with him. The house is overly posh and clean, except for the man lying dead on the floor I have to step over. He takes me into the bathroom and runs the sink and starts to wipe my head. Wincing at the water stinging the cut in my head, I try to stay as obedient as I can. I can't make him mad, he'll kill me for sure.

"Do you know why you're here, Evalyn?" He continues to gently wipe.

"I-I don't know. I have—n-nothing to do with Nico anymore." I force out looking him in the eyes.

"I really don't like liars Evalyn." His eyes darken.

"You were with him just a few hours ago."

"No! I was alone! He came to me!" I get worked up. He roughly grabs me by my throat and it scares me.

"Let me ask you a question." He lets me go and I look at him again.

"If I killed him, you wouldn't care?" I tried to keep a poker face but he shook his head at me.

"You can't fool me. Your eyes give you away." Eventually he gets me to a small room and pushes me inside.

"You're the bait that will bring him straight to me, I've got leverage, he can't risk losing you." He laughs and slams the door locking it from the outside.

Still zip tied at my wrists I sit at the edge of the cot and hang my head. What the fuck do I do now? I fell asleep curled up on the cot, facing the door ready for anything. There had been men talking outside my door for a little bit after I woke up, but since then it's been quiet. There are no windows in here so I can't even determine if I've slept all night or not. My stomach is in knots and I feel sick wondering what is going to happen to me. The door loudly opening makes me jump out at of my skin and I begin to shake uncontrollably.

"Here." The boss throws a phone in my lap and I look at it then him.

"Answer it." He yells. Swiping to answer it I fumble with it till it's up to my ear.


"Where are you?" Gurei asks plainly.

"I don't kn-know." I choke on my sobs answering him. "

Was it the men from before?"

"Yes." I struggle to keep my grip on the phone.

"Are you hurt?" His tone is full of concern, but it gets lower, like he's letting me know they'll pay for it if I am.

"Mhm, but not bad." I answer.
He rips the phone from my ear and holds it to his.

"She did a good job hiding her cellphone under the car seat. I hope you don't think I'm stupid enough to be where you think I am. Nico my boy, you better fill your end of the deal or you won't see her again. Her and I will have a nice life somewhere you'll never find us." He eyes me, wrings his hands over my chest and I whimper, then turns his back to me closing the door.

I could hear Gurei screaming on the other end but I couldn't make out what he said. Curling back up on the bed I try my hardest to pull at my zip ties. When the boss comes back in, my wrists are bloody and raw. I'm still curled up, but this time my back is to the door.

"Did you think you'd save yourself by doing that? It was pretty stupid." He says in a condescending tone.

I stay quiet and don't answer. The less I say the better, I don't know what else to do right now. He pulls me by the shoulder and then sees my wrists. Clicking his tongue at me he stares.

"Maybe the pain you caused yourself will stop you from doing it again. What do you think?" He clips the zip ties and I remove my hands from his.

"Well dinner will be down soon." He stands and leaves.

Dinner followed shortly, I forced myself to eat in order to keep my strength up. Luckily there was a bathroom connected to my room so I showered and curled back up in bed. I'm worried about Mary, and I'm scared to death this guys going to kill me in front of Gurei to make a point. My exhaustion gets the best of me and I fall asleep. Suddenly I jump from my sleep hearing screaming, yelling, and gunshots.

Bolting into the bathroom I close myself inside, hiding in the bathtub. The commotion went on for maybe ten to fifteen minutes, then eerie silence. My body again shakes and I cover my head crying while holding my knees to my chest.

"You think this will end?! You just make more enemies. You think you rule all this?!" I can hear the boss scream.

"I rule all of it! You have no clue what I'm capable of! This is MY city, AND I'M THE FUCKING KING!"

It's Gurei! He's no sooner finished what he said and I hear a thud.

"GUREI!" I shriek in a panic thinking the worst.

Please no! Please! In a surge of fear and adrenaline I rip the metal towel rack off the wall. With my weapon clenched in both hands I wait, ready to attack him if he comes to kill me. The bedroom door opens and I grip the awkward weapon even tighter, moving behind the door. My eyes fixated on the knob, holding my breath waiting for it to twist. Finally it opens and my hands raise back behind my head ready to attack. Then that ski mask comes into view, I wheeze while exhaling. The towel rack drops to the floor startling him. Gurei turns with a katana covered in blood ready to attack. He sees me and it clatters to the ground while I stumble toward him.

"Eve!" My vision darkens and I whimper reaching out to him. He catches me and I fully lose consciousness.

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