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Staring at his tattooed stomach I pull the sweater the rest of the way off. Gurei stops me, now shirtless he has his hands on either side of me holding onto the counter.

"You're next."

He reaches down pulling my loose shirt over me with ease. The shirt pulls my hair from its ponytail and my hair comes falling down over my chest and bare breasts. Gurei's eyes got lost on me for a moment, just as I did seeing him. He's got me against the mirror, his mouth kissing and wandering. It caught me by surprise but I enjoy the feeling. The last time we ever did anything it was rushed and we were angry too. I want to take my time, I want to appreciate Gurei just as he sees me.

"Are you mine?" He questions me.

My heart catches in my throat, his eyes now looking down on me with intensity.

"All—yours." I breathe.

Gurei smiles and we both get into the shower. The warm water relaxes my sore muscles, I really did get roughed up today. Looking down at the shampoos I pick one up and squeeze it into my palm. I take my time washing my hair wincing at my tender head. Gurei's fingers are tracing down and around something on my back but he says nothing. Once I'm clean we both get out of the shower. My skin feels extra sensitive and Gurei gives me no time to dry off, he has me on his bed leaning over me. His hand is at the back of my head with a fist full of my hair holding me still. As he kisses me passionately, he enters me and I groan into our kiss, my back arching.


My mind is filled with pleasure and all I can get out is his name. He moves slowly with me and I hold onto him tightly, I'm afraid to let go of him worried he'll disappear. Gurei pulls out of my embrace and his thrusts intensify making me reach up to him. He gives me a salacious smile and holds my hands above my head not letting up. His head leans back, enjoying me, his moans get me closer to my release.

"Eve, give it to me."

He's back over the top of me, watching me edge closer and closer with his movements.

Groggily I wake up, I'm laying on my stomach, the sheets down at my waist. There is a small light on at the bedside and Gurei is rubbing my back. I stretch out and turn my head to look at Gurei who's still focused on my back.

"What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" I prop up on my elbows and try to look over my shoulder, but I can't see anything.

"You're bruised up. Your arms and your back." He looks furious.

"It's just probably from my classes. I've been sparing a lot lately." I lay back down turning towards him so he can't focus on the bruises.


"You know, practice fights? I've been taking a self defense class for a while now. That and knife skills."

Roan throwing me over his shoulder comes to mind but I don't say anything.

"I had a bad week and brought it to class last night. So I wasn't on top of my game and got my ass handed to me." As I explain, I remember exactly why I felt like I did yesterday.

"Why are you learning how to fight? Eve, you should—" "

Shouldn't have to? Gurei I want to know how to protect myself. Maybe if I knew anything about defense before I was taken I could've done something. I'm not just going to sit and be a defenseless woman." I sit up and pull the sheets over me. His eyes looked saddened at what I said.

"This is why I didn't.." My hand covers his mouth.

"I wouldn't be here if I cared about that. You're dangerous, what you do, I'm not exactly sure, but I don't care. I've fought myself for months trying to figure out if I wanted to do this, and every time I chose to not be with you it hurt more and more." I look down at my bruised forearms and rub them.

"I know you'll try to protect me. But I want to be capable of protecting myself too. Because let's face it, I could be alone and then what?" I shrug.

"No more of this. I don't want to think about it." He pulls me over onto him, kissing me tenderly.

"I'll always protect you." He whispers then nibbles on my ear. His hands move up my back then back down to my waist.

"I don't doubt that one bit." I caress his face. His head leans into my hand and I feel the weight of it relax.

Gurei and I caught up over breakfast, most of what I'd done since seeing him was uneventful. He was bummed that Mary and I had not been talking, but I think she'd be even more pissed knowing I've made the decision to be with Gurei. Throughout the day at Gurei's I'd catch him watching me, like he wasn't fully believing I'm here with him.

"Do you want to stay the night again?" He holds me from behind.

"I do. But I have to work tonight. They need me." I tilt my head back to look at him.

"I'll drive you and then you can take your car back here." He smiles.

"Sounds like a plan then." I answer, he kisses my head and lets me go.

"Now what shall we do with the afternoon?" He spins me around to face him kissing me over and over. His eyes have changed, when they see me now there is something different about them. Realization, maybe? Is it that now there is someone he finally has to watch out for?

"I just want to stay here with you." I finally answer.

He kisses me more and then we are tangled up on the couch until it's time for me to get ready for work. Gurei drops me off in front of the bar, before he leaves I bend down to the window.

"If you see Saul, tell him I'm sorry for the way I treated him." I half smile, he does the same and nods.

"Text me if you want a ride." Pulling me in through the window he kisses me.

"Right, okay." I sigh.

When I get clocked in and everything I tie my hair up. "Good weekend?" Marcus eyes me.

"Better than the last few." I sigh.

"What about you?"

"Hmm average. Just hung around the house."

He sees the first new customer and walks off. Well he's pissy. While I tidy up the dishes and bar the crowds begin to show up. Marcus is quick to get overwhelmed so I let him go on lunch and man the bar on my own. It was a cluster fuck but I got through it. I have sweat beading up on my forehead and quickly wipe it away relieved to see Marcus coming back. It's gotten late quickly, as the bar winds down I see Roan walk through the door. Fuck.

"Hey! How's your night going?" I set a glass down and he knocks it back.


He clears his throat and motions for a refill. He's got grease all over him and still hasn't made eye contact with me. Before I turn to leave he stops me.

"H-how are you? Are you still hurting?" Finally those green eyes meet mine.

"I'm okay. A little bruised but I guess I needed some sense knocked into me."

I awkwardly laugh and walk away to tend to a few more patrons. My shift finally ends and I sit beside Roan and have a drink before leaving.

"Still coming to class this week?"

"Yeah, I need to apologize. Plus I'm really getting into the sparing stuff. It's been fun." Roan chuckles.

Taking the last sip of my drink I wave Marcus over to pay my tab. His eyes nervously look at me then away and he walks farther to the end of the bar.

"Did ya piss him off or something?"

"I guess, he's not super happy with me. But you know him, he's a diva." I stand and back into someone as I grab my purse.

"I'm sor—Gurei." I stutter.

"Eve." His voice is gravelly as he looks down on me.

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