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My heart beats faster and I sink down into bed. Nicos phone rings and he perks up, not wasting any time answering.

"Go ahead." He pulls the blankets back and stands up out of bed.

"Why wasn't the job done properly? I gave specific instructions."

He runs his hands through his hair and looks at me over his shoulder, then he sees my bathroom. Closing himself in I hear him get more serious as he speaks to whoever is on the other end.

"I said get it done!" His voice startled me.

It made me think again about last night, but I shook it off and decided to get out of bed. When he comes out I can see that he's irritated so I continue getting my clothes together to get in the shower.

"I'm sorry." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Work?" I stand there with my clothes balled up in my arms. Nico just nods and comes closer to me.

"I'm going to go and let you relax till work." I look down and purse my lips bummed out.

"Okay." I whisper.

"I'm not disappearing." He tucks my hair behind my ear and then kisses me.

"See you later." I half smile and I close myself in the bathroom.

By the time I'm out and dressed I see Nico's clothes gone. I didn't expect him leaving to bum me out this bad. Mary is in the living room eating cereal watching me bring our dishes into the kitchen. With a sigh I flop down next to her.

"You alright?" She squints her eyes at me, suspicious.

"Mhm... I just didn't want him to leave." Shaking my head I turn to her.

"What the fuck is my life right now?"

"You're way into him aren't you?" She crosses her legs up on the couch and faces me, her coffee cup clutched in both hands.

"He came to check on me last night. It was a horrible day at the bar and it got to me. He came by because he saw me at the bar while I was on shift."

"I'm sorry you had a bad day. But I'm glad he came to check in. You know you could've called me." She puts her hand on my knee.

"So, did you guys...?" I shake my head and smile.

"Nope. He sat with me while I was upset and then we went to bed."
Mary blinks a few times stunned.

"How could you not?!" Her voice gets high at the end of what she said.

"I don't know him... and plus there's nothing wrong with that." I cross my arms over my chest, closing my eyes.

"Okay, alright I'll stop pestering you." Mary shrugs and stands up going into the kitchen.

Pausing for a moment I do think about how little I do know of him. It's normal, I mean that's why you date someone. But even still, with how close we've been the last few encounters, he still feels dangerous, mysterious? I just can't place it. I need to be careful, just watch out for myself.

"Hey Mary?"


"You'd tell me if you felt off with someone I'm dating right? Looks aside." I ask, resting my head on the back of the couch waiting for her to come back into the room.

"Of course! Why? Does he scare you?"

"He's just not like anyone I've been with. Not like that's many, but being around him feels different." I try to explain to the best of my abilities.

Mary shrugs, and assured me she'd tell me if something was up. Nine o'clock gets here before I know it and I'm late. Paul isn't there but I do as he says and work the floor. Tonight hasn't been very busy, and even the guys in the back are chill. I heard them mention the boss wasn't there, relieved I'm able to avoid intense stares.

The bar picked up later in the night helping the hours go by. Eventually the shift came to an end and I wasted no time leaving. Carefully keeping an eye on my surroundings while walking to my car. Thankfully no weird events and getting home was just the same. Mary greeted me when I got home, but she was heading to bed. Shit, I forgot tomorrow's Monday.

Dreading having to get up early when it's now close to two. I grab a snack and head into my room. There is something on my bed when I flip on the light.  A single red rose and a white card.

"Date Tuesday? I'll pick you up at 7. Text me."

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