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"Wait." He calls out.

"What?" I turn around my full tray in one hand.
He pulls out a chair and sets a glass down.

"Drink with me."
My brows knit together, suspicious of where this is going.

"Ah, I'm good, maybe if you were a little nicer." I leave setting the dirty glasses in the sink, taking my time washing them.
He was out of his drink so I bring in another bottle after I finished up.

"Please sit and have a drink with me." I give him the same look I did before, really studying those eyes, the eyebrows.

"Fine. I guess if you're going to be nice."

I slide the tray onto the table and sit in the chair he pulled out for me. The pouring of my drink fills the silence. He has me sitting right next to him, while I sip my drink I smell his cologne again. But this time I catch a familiar scent blending in with it. Every bone in my body is telling me this is Gurei but I don't want to believe it.

"Is this all you want from me? Did you piss everyone off so they left?" I knock back the last bit of my drink and stand.

"For knowing who we are and that I run things, you're awfully mouthy." He grumbles before sipping.

"Wow. A drink and an insult. Well thanks for the drink I guess." I report sarcastically.

Then I mistakenly meet those dark eyes again, but mine shift to his lips then to his eyes again. Still I stand up and start to leave. He gives me no time to move closer to the door, and pulls me back. His hands holding me against the wall, his breath smells just like Gurei's too. Just confront him. The best worst case is  that is you're likely going to sleep with this guy.

"You're the worst." His hands tighten on my wrists now above my head.

"You have no idea how bad I can be." He smirks.

"You're a god damn liar too. The least you could've done was be fucking honest. Especially after everything that happened! Asshole!" Blushing my eyes well up and I look away from him.

"Are you sure you're confident about who you're talking to?" His undisguised voice confirms it for me, but still he held me there. For a moment I thought I could be wrong, but still I stick with my gut.

"V-Very sure." I breathe.
He tries to take off his mask but I stop him.

"Leave it. I don't want to see your face. All—it'll do is upset me."

I leave his mask on but have his lips uncovered. He kisses me roughly, all his weight pressing me against the wall.

"You're a f-fucking liar." I moan while his hands are on my breasts teasing.

My body shudders and I gasp feeling his fingers between my legs. He has my dress up around my waist and lifts me up.

"I'm not a good guy." He whispers against my neck, then bites me. My legs wrapped around him as he impales me.

"F-Fuck!" I gasped.

"Eve." He purrs starting to move his hips.

"You like that baby?" He grinds into me slowly and I groan. Still holding onto me he clears the table laying me out across it.

"Does lying turn you on? Or is it because you're not sure who you're fucking?" I feel myself tighten around him and I arch my back.

"Lie to me then! Tell-m-me you're not who I think you are." He gets more rough with me, not saying a word. My arms reach out to his mask but he holds me down.

"Ah ah ah. You don't get to know if your suspicions are right." His thrusts intensify and I'm almost screaming.

He shuts me up with a kiss and I know there's no mistaking it at all. Giving into my climax I feel his release too. He lets my hands go and I finally pull his mask off seeing Gurei over me.

"You fucking jerk." I cry. Kissing me over and over he apologizes.

"I only wanted to keep you safe. Who the hell wants to knowingly go out with a person like me. You shouldn't be around me because things like that night can happen." He holds my head between his hands.

"You started this, and I'm not willing to throw things away." I wipe my eyes sitting up.

"Hmm. This is going to be a challenge." He strokes his jaw looking at me.

"Boss! We are back." I hear Saul call out.

Gurei and I sit beside one another sipping our drinks, his mask remaining off. His hand on my thigh was enough to let them know what I was to him.

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you boys this. But, Eve is one of our own, if anyone tries to give her a hard time we will protect her."

"Yes sir." They answered in unison.
The night winds down and I follow Gurei out into the cold night.

"Come home with me." I look up to him. He sighs hesitant on giving me an answer.

"Eve, I don't know." He leans against his car and clears his throat.

"Fine." Shaking my head I walk away from him towards my car.

"Eve." I ignored him pressing my key to unlock my car.

"Eve!" He is now beside me.

"What? Did you finally get what you wanted from me? Did you lighten up and get your lay? So now it's time to distance yourself right?" I sit in my seat staring forward.

"You know that's not why I'm hesitant." He kneels down so he's level with me, his hand on my thigh.

"Goodnight Gurei." I sigh. Mary's calling me now. Saved, I guess.

"Hey Mar." I look at Gurei so he lets go of the door.

"You never call me 'Mar'. What's wrong?" Her voice sounds worried.

"Nothing—nothings wrong. I'm on my way home now."

"You're not still upset about Nico are you? Evie.." Mary tries to continue.

"Mary stop, I-I'm fine." Gurei could hear everything.

His hand is now tightening on my thigh. Clearing my throat of the lump, I look at his hand on my thigh then to him.

"I'm just going home. I'll be fine. I'm sure I'll see you around." Gurei stands up slowly and backs away. Closing my car door I back up and leave, his eyes never moving off me

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