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"I'll let you be now." I slide out of my seat and back to my place at the bar.

Marcus is strangely gone and it sets off my red flags. That's when a black leather gloved hand sets down a glass next to me.

"Gurei." I shift in my seat. 

"Eve." He matches my tone.

"I thought—" I start to speak but he stops me.

His hand is now un-gloved and he takes mine. Slowly his fingertips trace down the length of my fingers while he speaks.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to  promise you won't be in danger." His voice is deep and smooth, but the earnestness in it throws me off slightly.

He doesn't sound like this often. His fingers finally lace into mine and those dark eyes catch me. It's like I'm swirling around in that dark water we both jumped ship into. It's deep and mysterious, and we are ignorant to anything dangerous below our feet, we're just kicking to stay afloat. But strangely it's comforting knowing he's in it with me.

"I just expect you to come save me if that's the case."

My heart can't keep up with my brain, but I can't see another outcome with Gurei. I want to try, I don't want to say I never went for it. Gurei's hand tightens around mine before letting go.

"You scared Marcus away didn't you?" Gurei shrugs. 

I go try to find him. "Marcus?" I walk into the store room and see him.

"Why the fuck is he here again? I gave him everything."

"It's not you. He's here for me." I pat Marcus on the back.

"Why you?"

"We have—history." I sigh.

"He's not going to hurt you. He knows better with me." I wink at Marcus.

We both come back out and he sighs heavily. Gurei is gone and I look around the bar for him. His glass is still full but I don't see him anywhere. Roan comes in from outside fixing his hair. Gurei sits back down beside me and finishes his drink in one gulp.

"I was looking for you. Everything okay?"

I lean in to look at him but he continues to stare forward. He suddenly feels cold towards me, I don't like this.

"Marcus, another Hennessy." Marcus wastes no time and refills.

"I'll see you later then." I get up and shrug my coat on.

Gurei stands up, sliding his gloves on and his jacket. He looks so sleek, his turtleneck, slacks and boots, all black from head to toe. Looking down to me he pays both our tabs and then guides me out the back door, his hand on the small of my back.

"You're not seriously going to drive?" I stop in front of his car.

"Eve, I'm fine." He kneels down in front of me.

"You should know that out of anyone two drinks is nothing." His cool gloved hand is against my skin and I close my eyes.

"Am I taking you home or are you coming home with me?" His sensual voice makes the muscles in my stomach contract and I get stuck in those dark eyes.

I touch his face, making him flinch. Then let my hands run through his thick inky hair, pushing his bangs from his face revealing it fully. This feeling again, he's overwhelming me.

"In you go then." He takes my hand and kisses it before standing up and opening the car door.

After Gurei shuts the car door I see Roan come out of the bar looking toward the car. It takes Gurei a second to get in the car, he straightens his jacket and ducks inside. Roan looks like he doesn't know what to do, holding his hands behind his head while we drive by. Keeping my eyes on the floor board I sigh and then look over to Gurei. He is serious, like he's deep in thought so I don't speak. I know we are on the way to his place so I lean back and relax.

Does this mean what I think? Have I finally made my decision? My fingers run through my hair and I feel my nerves pick up coming to acceptance of what I'm giving into. There are going to be things I won't know, or Gurei will keep from me in order to protect me. In simpler terms ignorance is bliss, and can prevent me from being useful to others wanting to get back at him. I'd be lying if I wasn't curious about what exactly they do, but I don't think I'll ever get that information.

Reaching over to his gloved hand I take my time, finger by finger pulling his glove off. He's watching me out of the corner of his eye and I press his warm hand against my cheek and close my eyes. His fingers hold onto me, his thumb brushes over my lips before he places his hand back on the steering wheel.

Suddenly Gurei is pulling out into a small dirt road, we drive for a few minutes before slowing to a stop.

"W-what are we doing?"

I look at him nervously then out the window at the darkened surroundings. He removes his other glove, unbuckles himself, and reaches over to me. His hands on my bare skin tingle and I stare into his eyes, then to his lips.

"Gurei?" I breathe.

"Fuck,  just come here." He leans over till he's almost in my seat kissing me feverently.

"Eve." He groans.

I pushed him back into his seat as I clambered over the center console and into his lap. The seat reclines back and I look down at him while he reaches up, moving the hair out of my face.

"Eve I've missed you. I worried about you every day." Sitting back I feel my eyes well up.

"I thought about you every d-day too."

He pulls me down to another kiss and sits back up. He studies my face and I hold him close to me, my arms around his neck. We can't do much in this confined space, but I don't want to move from this spot. Leaning into his neck I kiss and suck feeling myself get more excited. A low hum rattles in his throat and I dig my fingers into his chest.

"Mmh Eve, let's get somewhere comfortable."

He rubs my back then helps me over back into the passenger seat. Before backing out he gives me one more look and grabs my chin smiling at me. It makes me blush, I can't read his mind but those eyes tell me enough of what's going on in his head. Anxious to be at his place it feels like the few miles he drives took forever. We get inside and he leaves the house dark, props the door open with his foot letting me walk in first. The front door closes and I hear him lock it, then his hands come around behind me.

"Finally." He whispers.

"Gurei I.." I'm cut off by him picking me up.

"Say all you want upstairs." He finally sets me down on the counter in the bathroom.

"Let's clean up. It's been a long day."

He slips off my jacket and sets it beside me. I'm still in my workout stuff and he takes note, his eyes exploring. Wanting my hands to explore him just as much I slid off the counter and reached for the edges of his pea coat. He let it slide off his arms and I placed it behind me, next I began untucking  his sweater, pulling it up until my hands felt his warm stomach.

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