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Shoving his keys to my chest panicked, he looks at me intently.

"Go to my car and drive home. D-don't stop for anyone. You understand me?"

"G-Gurei I don't under—"

"Go! Take the back door out and get the fuck out of here!"

Without anymore argument, I bolt out the bedroom door and down the back staircase. I can now see the back door, so I sprint to it. Something catches me by my hair and yanks me backwards making me  scream out.

"You're not going anywhere!" I fight and struggle against the person, but it's short lived when a large Bowie knife comes to my throat.

"Don't move too quickly or you just might bleed out over the floor." He laughs dragging me with him to the staircase.

"Hisouka! We've got your bitch down here now, so I suggest you come out!"

My heart is in my throat, and I can feel my pulse hitting the blade. I'm shaking like a leaf, the man holding me had my hair gripped into his fist holding me close against him.

I can't move, or make a sound, my fight or flight response has shut down. These men are serious that much I know. Gurei, where are you?!

"Vincent, let her go. She's got no part in this!" He finally shouts while walking down the stairs.

"She looks like good leverage against you." Vincent chuckles looking back at me.

He's a tall burly middle aged old school gangster looking guy. He straightens his tie and smiles at me. Gurei looks at me, his face has changed and is almost unrecognizable. His eyes notice the large blade to my neck and it changes his face even more.

"Let her go." He breathes.

"Do we have a deal then?"

Vincent smooths his hair back walking over to me. He takes my face in between his finger and thumb.

"If not...I'll take her as payment. She looks like she'd make a good concubine."

The way he looks at me makes me nauseous. Pig! Disgusting gross pig! My tears stream down my face and I try to look away from all of these men in the room. The knife cuts into my skin and I whimper trying to avoid it again.

"Do. We. Have. A. Deal?" With each word He spoke, his hands slid up my leg making me cry harder.

"FINE, DEAL!" Gurei yells, almost screams desperately.

The man that had a hold of me threw me out the back door and I slid on my hands and knees. Without wasting any time I bolt to the car and speed home. When I get in the house safely and lock the door I run and hide in my bathroom. Sitting on the floor against the cabinets I cry. What the fuck just happened? Who were those guys and why are they after Gurei like that? Touching my neck I can see I'm still bleeding from my cut slightly. The knock on my door scares me.

"Evie? Let me in." Mary says from the other side. A sob catches in my throat as I try to speak.

"I'm okay. Mary, it's fine."

"Open the fucking door liar." She jiggles the door knob aggressively.

When I get the door open she holds me and I break down. I cry so hard into her chest we sink to the floor together.

"I won't ask you what's wrong. Just cry and know I'm here for you." Mary holds me tightly.

I slept with Mary in her bed last night, I was too scared to be alone. My heart breaks again when I wake up, knowing full well Gurei probably won't call me ever again.

"Evie you awake?" Mary peeks into the bedroom.

"Mhm." I answer sitting myself up.

My muscles are sore, my head hurts from my hair being pulled, and my knees, they're the worst. Mary helps me out of bed and she truly sees my injuries in the daylight.

"I'm calling the fucking cops."

"No! No please!" I grab her, my fingers desperately digging into her arm.

"He didn't do this! I-it was—we got." I have flashes in my head from last night and begin to cry again.

"We got mugged. I fell running away while Gurei stayed to protect me."

"I thought you were with Nico?"

"Same person." I corrected her.

"Did he know them? Is this why you were worried about him being dangerous?"
Mary massages my shoulders while I lay against her.

"They knew him. They were speaking about something but I had no clue what it was. We had a nice night... and that happening... He's never going to talk to me again." I cry harder.

"Evie, I don't think you need to be around anyone like that. Especially if you're going to get hurt like this. Why don't you go relax in the shower and I'll make lunch." She suggests.

Without an argument I go into my bathroom and start the hot water. My palms are torn to hell along with my bloodied and bruised up knees. The shower felt nice, releasing some of the tension I had. When I was out of the shower I try to call Gurei. My emotions surged as soon as I heard the first ring.

"The number you've dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Please try again." The automated voice tells me.

"Fuck!" I slam my phone down on the counter.

Mary and I ate lunch and relaxed together. I called into work and spent the rest of the day collecting myself ready to get this week over with. Thursday passed, then Friday, Saturday was a blur as well. Paul called me around nine to ask if I was coming in. Might as well continue to distract myself and get my head back into making some money.

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