Little Percy's Childhood SNEAK PEAK INTO NEXT CHAPTER!!

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These chapters are taking way to damn long so I decided on a shorty chapter cause I felt bad! Sneak peak into next chapter at end!!

Age 3 Mother

Little stubby legs made their way through the hall of a small apartment. Little Percy Jackson toddled around as his mother tried to catch up with him.

"Argh! The scary monster is getting closer! Who is going to save the world's sweetest baby?" Mama teased the toddler.

"Mama save me!" Percy shrieked with laughter before he was swept up in his mothers arms and given a dozen kisses upon his face.

Age 3 Snake

Sally was so relieved to be let out of work after the day she had. It was truly a nightmare, how many people came into the bakery to get sweets. Making her way to the daycare that Sally had left Percy in, she found herself becoming so happy to see her son's excited smile when he will see the box that she had in the car. Making her way into the building, Sally went to the reception to inform them that she was here to pick up Percy, who should be set down for his nap right now. After signing the boy out, Sally went over to where the sleeping forms of 8 or so toddlers lay. Sally spotted her sond Little Mermaid mat and went over to gently wake the boy up.

It wasn't until Sally saw the limp rope that was in her sons tiny fist that she realized what was wrong and began to scream. Footsteps rushed over to the screaming woman as Percy began waking up and wiped his blurry eyes.


"Ma'am what's wrong? Please calm yourself everything is alright." A caretaker tried to calm her down.

"Snake." Sally said faintly, pale in the face as she felt herself become weak with exhaustion. The women looked to the toddler finally seeing the problem and scooped up Percy and began checking him over for any injuries.

"He seems to be fine but it looks as though the snake was killed. You should go to the hospital just in case to check him out." One of them advised as Sally nodded without a word and made her way out of the building, and to her car before collapsing in her seat and staying there, shaking, for a while, not even trying to move.

Gods damn it.

Age 5 Nightmare

"Come on little seashell it's wake up time." Sally said gently waking her son up.

"Grandpa?" The sleepy boy asked, catching Sally off guard.

"No baby it's mama." Sally said gently hoping not to startle the boy.

"Mother." Percy yawned before trying to open his eyes. His eyes, blurred with sleep, tried to open. A ear piercing scream sounded from him as he struggled out of her hold.

"Mother! Mother where are you?! Mama come back!" The boy shrieked as he pushed away from Sally.

"Baby. Baby it's mama! Mommy's here please wake up my sweet boy!" Sally pleaded with him.

It took over ten minutes before the toddler calmed down and allowed her to hold him.

What was that?

Age 6 Bath

Sally turned the old knob on the apartments tub to turn the water off before getting her son for his bath time. Sally tested the temperature of the water, not knowing if it would even be a problem but did not want to take any chances. Sally noticed that the water had been deeper than she had anticipated but thought nothing of it, seeing as her son was the son of Poseidon. Sally found Percy sitting on the floor, quietly playing with his cars and fiddling with his favorite stuffed Starfish named Scuttle.

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