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Percy could only focus on the small figure in the corner of his eye. Lucerys seemed to satisfied about watching his uncle lose an eye. Percy was officially over all this shit.

"Alright I think it's about time we get onto the next part of the story." Lachesis suggested.

"Yes I believe that would be a good option." Nyra said anxiously.

"How could you allow such a thing to happen?" Viserys asked the guard.

"That's a good fucking question. Five royal children go missing and no one knows where they are? Aemond was gone for at least an hour, if not more!" Hestia scowled Cole, who looked about ready to burst.

"I will have answers." Viserys demanded.

"The princes were supposed to be abed, my king." Harrold told the King as Aemond is seen being tended to by a maester, while Alicent hoovered over him.

Alicent whimpered at the memory of seeing her youngest in so much pain once again. Aemond tried to look brave and uneffected by reliving all of this but his face moved downward every few seconds. Helana couldn't even look at her own brother's mutilated face upon the screen.

"Jesus Christ Percy it went straight through like play dough." Thalia said with a grimace.

"Thalia shut up!" Annabeth hissed to her disbelief.

Percy just winced and peeked a look to Aemond and Alicent.

"Who had the watch?" Viserys asked the knights.

"Young Prince was attacked by his own cousins, Your Grace." Criston told the King as Jacerys held Lucerys close to him.

Jace tried to do the same for Percy but he seemed to tense to recieve it properly. So Jace decided to do the next best thing and scoot closer to him. Joffrey, however, did not have the same reservation and climbed into his brothers lap and curled up. Jacerys was about to tell him off before Percy wrapped his arms around the child, causing Arrax to wrap around all three of them.

"You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood!" Viserys yelled at the guards.

"I'm very sorry, Your Grace." Harrold whispered as the maester tended to Aemonds eye.

"The Kingsguard has never had to defend princes from princes, Your Grace." Criston defended himself.

"Your getting a bit to big for your britches sir."

"He's got a fucking point though. Where were you, asleep? You couldn't hear the yells? Where those children so good at stealth that they made their way past you?" Athena asked the man.

"None of this would have happened if you weren't doing your fucking job! If that were me I'd have you turned into a sea urchin for leaving my children to do what have you!" Posiedon snapped.

"It's a big castle. It's not like he can have eyes everywhere." Aemond snapped.

"Watch your mouth boy, especially when you speak to a God." Athena snapped at the boy.

"He should have been flogged or even stripped of his position. Shit that would have been long overdued." Laenor told them.

"That is no answer!" Viserys yelled in their face.

"Oh shit really? I would have never guessed." Mr. D drawled out before getting lightly hit by his Aunt Hestia.

"It will heal, will it not, maester?" Alicent asked with a distressed voice as everyone turned to look at the man for answers.

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