Not a chapter but a chapter of another story

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I feel bad not updating but I'd like to at least give you all a bit of something.

This is a story I'm writing for House of the Dragon about Lucerys being reincarnated over and over until he's back to the beginning.

I have like three other chapters of this cause This season is kinda testing me and Im having trouble having motivation.

Though if your interested in more I have to warn you of SA parts and just bad shit happening just in case that changes anything.



Chapter One- To Try Once Again

October 23, 2249

2200 years after Lucerys Velaryon died.

Luke Gardener hasn't thought of the name Targaryen in over a thousand years. Could barely remember the faces of a family long forgotten except in the history books. Even if his memories of his life are as clear as crystal he still couldn't find it in himself to remember the faces that play a part in it. Not his murderers, his father's, his brother's. Or mother's. All that replace them are drawings in history books or in museums telling a tale of a family that died out two thousand years ago.

Dying out because of a war that escalated due to his failures.

But as he lays upon a hospital bed surrounded with the faces of his children and grandchildren he tries so desperately to remember a family long past. Old and frail, he holds onto his two daughters' hands as his son stands next to Baela.

"Visenya. Baela. Joffrey. My greatest loves." Luke called out to his children.

"Daddy please save your strength." Visenya pleaded as she clung to her fathers hands.

"Don't forget that I will always love you. If only your grandmother were here to see you she would be so proud." Luke called out to them.

"Grandmother? Father, you don't even talk to her. What- what are you talking about father-" Baela stammered, confused.

"Baela you mustn't take the words of a dying man too seriously. He's on painkillers after all." Demetri, Visenya's husband, reminded her.

"No he's always like this. We just told him to tone it down when you were around." Joffrey told him.

"Baela you know how dad was. Always saying weird and cryptic shit." Visenya whispered to her younger sister.

"Don't be a smartass Visenya." Baela pouted, making Luke laugh at the three.

"Father." Joffrey, Luke's youngest, gasped out.

"My little dragons, how big you have grown. I've never been more proud of you than when you were born. You remind me so much of your namesakes." Luke told them.

"Our namesakes?" Baela asked.

"Of course my love. Baela the Brave, Visenya the last child of The Black Queen and my little Joffrey named after the cruel bastard King." Luke joked.

"What the fuck dad?!" Joffrey exclaimed in shock as his siblings and his husband laughed.

"I'm sorry Joffrey, the room was just too tense not to make light of it. My little Joffrey, my youngest son and the light of my life. Named after the youngest son of Queen Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon. When I lost your mother during childbirth I thought I would never see her again. Then the nurses handed me a little blue blanket and there you were, the splitting image of her. I knew then that she had sent you to me to remind me that she would always be there. Always." Luke faltered in his last words as his eyes shut and he knew that his time was coming to an end.

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