Wawanakwa gone wild

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It was the next day. The 8 remaining campers are walking to the canteen to have breakfast. Owen taps izzy on the shoulder who seems to be pissed. "Wildflowers for a Wild and crazy girl?" Owen says while offering flowers to her.

"Oh yeah? as in the kind that you abandoned and leave for dead in the hands of a chainsaw weildimg with a hook?" Izzy madly implies with her arms crossed.

"Me? Abandoning you? Never, never ever". Owen promised but Izzy is refusing to look at him and doesn't believe him. A sound of trap is heard and Izzy looks over to Owen is not there. The other campers walk over to her.

"Wasn't there just a 300 pound bag of joy talking to you?" Gwen asks. "I'm only 296", Owen who is hanged upside down. "Some set a trap". A cage lands on the other campers. "Or two".

"Good morning campers! Or should I say trappers? Ready for today's challenge? Excellent." Chris announced whom has a beaver on his head and knife in head. Campers look at each other and gasp, thinking of the worse. "Now let talks about it over chow shall we?", Chris walks away. Owen asks if he was gonna back to untrap them. Chris responds by throwing the knife to cut off Owen which lands him on the cage to open the door.

The campers are at the canteen eating whatever it is. Katana is sitting where Duncan, Heather and Owen is. Katana tries to eat her food but when she lift her spoon, bowl came up. She tried harder but it threw over across the room. Katana sighed in defeat.

*Katana's confessional*

//I would kill someone to have porridge at this point//

*end confessional*

"Campers, there are only eight of you left on total drama island. After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony, only 7 of you will be remain. We're nearly at the end, people, so look alive."

*Duncan's confessional*

//what are my chances of winning? I say they're pretty dark great. Because anyone who doesn't vote for me is dead man. *moves closers to the camera* are you listening out there, all of you who have been kicked off? If you don't vote for me, I'll find you.//

*end of confessional*

*Geoff's confessional*

//I am so stoked. The final 8 and I'm going all the way, dude's, woo-hoo! I think I got a good shot of winning. Heck I won student council president two years running, and I didn't even give a speech! I can do this, man.  Woo! //

*end of confessional*

"Today's challenge involves making like our province's great rangers and game wardens. You'll each have 8 hours to trap an animal." Chris explains. Duncan grabs Owen and says got one as a joke. Katana rolls her eyes at him.

"A wild animal, which you must bring back to the camp-site unharmed. Rangers and game wardens often have to relocate animals for their own good and the good of campers.".

"For my good? I might have to barbecue my animal. I'm starving to death." Gwen says while Geoff and Leshawna are playing tug of war with towel.

"Funny you should mention that, Gwen. Reward for winning today's challenge is a meal of all your favourite foods." Chris announces. "I am so winning" Heather says in an obvious tone while pushing her breakfast paste away.

"So you're not gonna eat that".

*Owen's confessional*

//I can believe I'm in the final eight. Can you imagine, me? Winning? Ha ha ha ho, that would be awesome. Woo-hoo-oo! Everyone else here totally deserves it. More than I do, though except Heather. She's really mean. I'm not afraid of her though. (Heather from the outside): Owen) ahh (Heather: are you almost finished in there?) Just about done//

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