No Pain No Game

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It's been two days since the disgusting food challenge and the guys absent. The relationship with the girls haven't mend at all to the point where they don't want to talk to one and another. The girls are now sitting near the docks while glaring at one and another.

Bridgette is cleaning her surfboard, Lindsay and heather are reading their magazines, Katana whom Is wearing sunglasses is next to lindsay but is relaxing, Gwen is drawing in her book and Leshawna is next to Heather eating chips while glaring at her. A fly starts flying around heather and lands on Heather's nose, Heather is about to squash fly but Lindsay kinda beats her to it by hitting Heather with her magazine.

"Oops", Lindsay says.

"Lindsay, you're such a-", Heather was about to tell Lindsay off but was cut off by the sound of horn blowing indicating that the boys have come back from their two day vacation. Katana lifts up her glasses to see the boat

"What a weekend", Duncan says while Owen cheers. Duncan goes to Katana and gives her a kiss on a cheek.

The girls except Katana are glaring at the guys since their weekend was better than theirs.

"Oh, sweet mother of earth, you can't buy that kind of fun", Owen says.

"I think Owen and DJ took a shine with those lovely who served us hand and foot", Duncan says whom has an arm around Katana.

Duncan looks at Katana whom is giving him an "Oh really" look.

"But they weren't lovely as you babe, I miss you". Duncan kisses her on the cheek again making her giggle.

"Ah, hello the spa treatment, my alligator elbows totally gone".

DJ shows his smooth elbows in which Owen said it was smooth like velvet. Heather, Bridgette and Gwen started glaring at the guys intensely, while Leshawna and Lindsay was look at them awe and envy.

*Leshawna's confessional*

//pshh, that should've been my alligator elbows getting the hand and foot treatment//

"Anyone care for a chocolate coated cherry blossom", Owen asks. Katana took one before Leshawna angrily took one of shoes off and threw which hit the chocolate right off Owen's hands and into the water. Owen yells at the no in horror, while Katana is comforting by patting his back.

"It's ok dude, the ladies are just a little jealous" Geoff says.

"Yeah, who can blame them. They can barely stand each other and meanwhile us guys are tighter than family", Duncan chimes in.

Katana rolls her eyes in response. "Yeah, guys rule". The Guys are cheering for each other until they were cut off by Chris.

"Listen up, Campers, as to this day, all teams are officially dissolved. From here on in, it's every.camper.for.themselves", Chris announces through the loudspeaker, the guys started acting like they just weren't a budding relationship.

"(Clear throat) well it's about to through solo", Duncan says while him, DJ and Geoff look away from one and another.

"I am so feeling that, bring it on Chris", Leshawna says confidently.

"Than get ready for this", Chris announces. The campers hear a horn blow and see a boat, everybody has shock and disgusted look on their face.

"You frontin' me"
"What? But that's impossible"
"Aw man, what is she doing here?"

"Back by popular audiences demand, its Eva", Chris announces. The camera goes to Eva whom is at the edge of the boat with fire burning in the background.

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