Not so happy campers part 2

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Katana stood next Gwen and listen to what Chris had to say about the challenge. Apparently they had to jump off this cliff and land in the safe area. In the outside of the safe is filled with sharks. Katana was a bit scared that she might not make it when it's her turn. She got confused when felt someone was watching her. She turned around to see Owen, Duncan, Geoff and Cody gawking at her.

"What are you looking at?" She snapped out of their trance in which they were looking at different directions. She rolled her eyes and went back to the games.

The killer bass went first. Bridgette went first followed by Tyler, Geoff, Eva, Duncan, Ezekiel, Harold, Katie and Sadie (Katie switched teams with Izzy) The only two people who didn't jump was DJ and Courtney. DJ couldn't jump because he was scared, while Courtney couldn't because she had medical conditions. Katana rolled at her eyes.

*Katana's confessional*

It was the screaming gophers turn to jump. "Okay so that's 8 jumpers and 2 chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you could beat this. We'll throw in a cart to put your crate on" Chris told us.

"Nice, okay guys, whose up first" Trent said.

"I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing" Heather said.

"Why not?" Beth asked.

"Hello, national tv, I'll get my hair wet" Heather said in an obvious tone.

"You're kidding right" Gwen said.

"If she's not doing it than I'm not doing it" Lindsay announced. Katana could tell that heather manipulated Lindsay in alliance since she was an easy target.

"Oh your doing it" leshawna commanded.

"Says who?!"

"Says me, I'm not loosing this challenge because you got your hair did! You spoiled little daddy's girl!"

"Back off, ghetto glamor too tight pants wearing rap star wanna be!"

"Mall shopping, ponytail wearing teen girl peaking at high school prom queen!"

"Well at least I'm popular" Heather said smirking.

Which made many of the team members go in shock while others were smirking to watch what happens next.

"Your jumping" leshawna argued.

"Make me" Heather taunted.

Leshawna lifted Heather over her should and threw her off the cliff, luckily she landed in the safe.

"Leshawna! You are so dead" Heather yelled.

"Hey, I threw you in the safe zone didn't I!" Leshawna yelled at her.

"Now I just hope than I can hit it too" Leshawna dived and landed in the safe zone with heather glaring at her.

"Okay I'll go next" Katana announced. Katana took a step back and dive down until she landed in the water. She came out for air and was relieved that she landed in the safe zone. A boat came to pick her up. She stood next leshawna and heather and waited for her other team members to dive down.

Mostly all of the screaming Gophers (except for Beth) had a turn. They were all waiting for Owen.

*Owen's confessional*
/I was pretty darn nervous, you see the thing is I'm not that strong a swimmer/

*Geoff's confessional*
/I'm looking at this guy and I'm thinking there's no way he gonna make it/

*Gwen's confesssional*
/I actually thought if he jumps this. He's gonna die/

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