Last Episode Really

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The 21 remaining campers were on the boat where they heading back to island to witness Gwen and Owen fight for the $100, 000. Katana and Duncan had reunited after Duncan's elimination.

"So, who are you rooting for?" Duncan asked.

"Gwen, I had fun moments with Owen, but Gwen is my best friend. What about you?" Katana asks curiously.

"Owen, he's one of my buddies". Duncan answers. "Well look at that, still on opposite teams", Katana smirks.

"May the best camper win". The two shake hands than pull into each other and kissed.

The campers saw Owen and Gwen at a starting line where they chose their respective teams. Katana head over to where Cody, Eva, Trent, Leshawna, Bridgette, Justin, DJ, Katie, Sadie and Lindsay were sitting to support Gwen.

"Gwen, Owen. This is your chance to tell the peanut gallery of failure, what you would do for the money if you won and why you deserved it?" Chris asks.

"Well, I guess I'm pretty good of getting this far. I mean maybe if I can survive here, the rest of high school won't be so bad." Gwen explain where she was interrupted by Izzy laughing and snorting.

"Well, I'm always good for my word and I did promise to split my 100 grand with Owen, but that would still leave me  a ton of cash. I guess I'd go travelling and then to University  to art history,"

"Woo! Yeah, that's It! Girlfriend's got some gold" Leshawna cheered while Katana clapped excitedly.

"Wow that's really sweet, boring but sweet. Owen?"

"I'd throw the biggest, hugest, sickest, party ever and invite everyone here, booyah" Owen says excited.

Owen's side was cheering while Katie, Sadie, Justin, DJ and Bridgette were on Gwen's side starting walking over to Owen's. Lindsay remains sitting.

"Lindsay, don't you want cheer for Owen" Katana asked curiously as to why the blonde didn't follow the others.

"Nah, I've been to enough parties"

Gwen is grateful for the people who remain seated for her until Owen mentions the party would be on a yacht. Lindsay shamefully head over to Owen's side.

Chris explains what they need to do. Everyone were cheering.

During the challenge, some of campers had to help Owen. While Trent was helping Gwen. The two are still awkward around each other and Gwen appears to be mad at him despite knowing the truth.

Owen and Gwen were heading to the finish line where Gwen was taking the lead.

"Oh no! Gwen is in the lead. Our party is in jeopardy" Lindsay panics. Izzy asks if there's a really big fan here.

Izzy uses the fan to blow the smell of brownies. Owen whose was tired and dehydrated smelled the brownies and rans where he bumps into Gwen and heads over to the finished line.

"Owen wins" Chris announced where anyone that was on Owen's side cheered knowing they are going to have their party.

The campers were at the campfire. "You reek!" Eva says to Heather whom was in the confessional booth where Owen took dump in accidentally during the race.

Chris announced Owen as the winner of Total Drama Island and gives him the final marshmallow. 

"Owen, you know what time it is?" Duncan calls out making Owen grin at the host.

Duncan, Owen, DJ, Geoff along with Chef  picked up Chris over their heads where they walk over to the deck and threw him in the water.

"I've been wanting to do that all summer" Chef excitedly says.

"Oh! Chef". Realising that he was next. Chef started running away from the teenagers.


I'm sorry that this was short but I wanna finished this and start World Tour.

Hope you enjoy reading and Hope you enjoy reading the next book.

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