Phobia Factor

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It was night time and the Killer bass were sitting around the campfire until the screaming Gophers arrived.

"What are do you want, come by to rub it in" Courtney asks.

"We have some extra dessert after our tuck shop party, thought you might want some" Trent says.

"So what? your just being nice?" Courtney says suspicious. "Ok, Owen stank up our cabin we need some time to air it out" Gwen admits then Owen farts.

"Ew" Trent says disgusted.

Beth walks over to Courtney in which she squeals in fright from the green jelly.

"No, thank you" Courtney says nervously.

"What? You're on a diet or something?" Duncan asks.

"No! I just don't like green jelly ok" Courtney snaps. Beth walks over to Duncan and DJ to see if they want some "Snake" DJ yells in fright and throws the jelly to the ground.

"Chill dude, it's just  a gummy worm" Cody tells him.

"Sorry for tripping, snakes just freak me out" DJ apologises.

"I feel you man, Chicken gives me the creeps, dude" Tyler says.

"You're afraid of chickens?" Gwen asks giving him a strange look.

"Wow that's- that's real lame man" Duncan says.

"Not really, my cousin lost both of his eyes because of a chicken" Katana says making Tyler look at her in fright.

*Gwen's Confessional*
/ so suddenly, everyone's been having this share fest by the fire. Like how Beth went on and on and on how her mortal fear is being covered by bugs. Harold's afraid of ninjas. Even Heather admitted she's afraid of sumo wrestlers/

"What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive" Gwen says.

"Walking around a minefield in heels" Lindsay says.

"Flying man, that's some crazy stuff" Owen says.

"I would never go up in a plane never" Izzy agrees.

"I'm scared of hail, it's small but deadly dude" Geoff says.

"Being left alone in the woods" Bridgette says.

"Bad hair cuts" sadie says.

"Oh, I change my mind, that's so much scarier than a minefield" Lindsay's says frightened.

"Having to defuse a time bomb under pressure" Cody says.

"Nope, I'm not really afraid of anything" Courtney says in denial. "Baloney" Duncan coughs jokingly. "Ok than well exactly is your phobia mr know it all" Courtney asks.

Everyone starts looking at Duncan waiting for his answer.

"Celine Dion's music store standees" Duncan mummered while putting his head on Katana's Lap.

"Ah squeeze me? I didn't quite get that" Cody jokingly says while holding up his ear to hear Duncan say it again.

"Did you just say Celine Dion's Standees" Trent says not believing what's he hearing.

"Oo, I love Celine Dion! What's a standee?" Lindsay asks curiously.

"You know the card board cut out in front of music store" Trent answers. "Don't say it dude" Duncan says frightened. "Kind of like a life size but a flat celine" Trent says.

"So if we had a cardboard standing right now" Courtney teases. "Shut up!" Duncan says while covering his ears not want to hear a word any more. "What about you guys" Duncan points to Trent.

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