Up the creek

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It was next day and Chris told everyone to meet him at the beach for the next challenge. "Today's challenge is a true summer camp experience; a canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to Boney island" Chris informed with a spooky voice when saying the word Boney Island.

"When you get there you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island. Which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense, jungle!"

"We've gotta por-what" Geoff asks scratching and than fly flew through his ear anc out his other ear without even realising.

"Portage, dude walk with your canoe" Chris trying to explain to him.

"When you arrive at the other end of the island. You'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me! The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility!"

"Move campers move".

The campers started running to the canoes, but was stopped by Chris again, "oh wait! One more thing I should mentioned! Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, you'll be cursed" Chris warned in a spooky tone.

"A curse Island, Yeah!" Owen cheered, while the campers looked at him weirdly expect for Katana who was grinning.

"Now! Get in your canoes, and let's have some fun!" Chris says as the campers walked over the beach. Beth came running with toilet paper stuck on a shoe.

"What did I miss?" Beth asks. "Canoes" Chris simply answers and Beth runs to the beach to catch up with the other campers.

Katana decided to go with Izzy and Leshawna. Izzy tried to pick up the canoe but did a back flipped and landed in the canoe.

"Just follow my technique. I'm 1/87th Cherokee, you know. Which means like the tribe could totally like claim me at any time" izzy says.

"Let's hope its today" Leshawna says while picking up half of the canoe at the end, Katana picked up the front and slowly dropped to the water. Katana was in between Izzy and Leshawna.

Izzy started rambling the things she has done, "And then these bushmen taught us how to properly catch  and cook crocodile as well as koala" Izzy rambles.

"Uh, isn't killing a koala bear illegal?" Leshawna points out. "Oh I don't know. Probably yeah. (Laughing) PROBABLY ITS ILLEGAL" Izzy laughs.

"A relative of mine is in Jail for killing a koala" Katana says.

After awhile of paddling the air started to create fog meaning that their were almost to their destination. Their boat stopped float when reach landed, Izzy jumped out of the canoe, "okay, did you see that skull? It's like this place is haunted or something" Izzy says excited.

Everyone carried their canoes over their heads. "Let's just get this over with" Gwen says.

"Aah! I think I saw something." Cody says then a beavers with tusks came out of the bushes.

"Monsters Beavers!" Cody yells and everyone started running.

Chris: a remnant of the Pleistocene era, the woolly beaver is a day-active rodent indigenous to the Boney island. Oh, yeah, and they're meat-eaters"

Everyone was running until the reached a dead end. "Dead end" Owen informed. "Hey there leaving" Trent says while the wooly beavers started walking away. "Did anybody pack of underwear?" Owen asks making everyone laughed at his joke. "No seriously" Owen chuckles and then farts. "Oh, gross" Everyone says in disgusted.

Suddenly giant birds popped out of nowhere and let out a Hugh screech. Everyone started screaming and running again.

"Oh man, I am definitely gonna need new underwear" Owen says while running. 

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