Paintball Deer Hunter

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It was the next day and Chris woke up everyone by flying his plane close to the cabins. Leshawna immediately woke up by the sound, but when she did, her head hit the bottom of the top bunk.

"Ugh! Ohh. Okay, that dude is really starting get on my last nerves" Leshawna growls.

"He just loves ruining good sleep, Beth, Lindsay, go warm up the shower for me now" Heather orders.

"And remember" Heather begin to say but was interrupted by Beth. "Not too hot this time, we know" Beth says tiredly.

There was a line up in the girls bathroom since they all wanted to go to the toilet.

"What's taking so long" Bridgette asks impatiently.

"Heather needs her private time" Lindsay answers her. "How long's queenie gonna be in there? I got urgent businesses!" Leshawna says.

"She could still be a while" Beth says.

"Ohh! That's it. I'm going lumberjack style" Gwen says while walking away.

"Ugh! I don't think I'm gonna make it" Katana says and ran to the woods to do lumberjack style since that was the only answer for this situation.

Chris told everyone to meet him in the campfire and mentioned that breakfast is in three minutes.

"Are you ready for today's extreme max impact!" Chris announced.

"We are ready!" Owen cheered by doing a fist pump in the air.

"Incoming!" Chris yells.

A helicopter dropped a net which contain their breakfast which was beans. "Is breakfast" Chris finishesz his sentence.

"Baked Beans? No, breakfast is crepes, crossiants, even chef's food, Not Beans" Heather complains. Owen ate all of the beans and started singing about beans.

"Today's challenge is about survival, we're going hunting" Chris announced by showing the campers what looked like guns.

"That's more like it" Duncan says in satisfaction.

"Isn't that a paintball gun" Harold questions.

"Why, yes Harold it is" Chris says by shooting Harold with it.

"So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette asks hopefully.

"Negatory. This is the first ever paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the teams once we get so. Finish breaky" Chris announced, but seemed like Owen ate all of it and even asked for more.

"And now for the team breakdowns. Harold, Geoff and Bridgette locked and loaded with bass blue in it. And using orange paint are the gopher hunters- Leshawna, Beth, Owen, Lindsay and Katana" Chris informed while throwing the paintball gun to them.

"Sweet!" Katana grins while memorising her gun.

"Wah-hoo This is awesome, man!" Owen cheers while giving Katana a high-five.

"You also get these stylin' glasses and wicked camo caps. The rest are you are now deer. Here are your antlers, noses and little white tails" Chris chuckles.

"Yeah right. I'm not wearing that" Heather says.

"There is no way I'm a deer" Duncan says but Chris put the antlers. Nose and tail on him.

"Take these off and your out" Chris says. Owen looked at Duncan and started laughing at him.

"What are you looking at?" Duncan rudely asks. "Oh nothing, bambi" Owen says while pulling the tail. "You better be a good aim tubby" Duncan says.

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