That's off the chain

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Katana decides to play baseball with the others and brought the others (except Geoff, Lindsay and heather) to play with. They were in teams with Izzy and Gwen on hers. It was Duncan's turn to batter and katana was the pitcher. Duncan gives her a wink making katana smirk at him.

"Batter up!" Katana chants and gets into position until Geoff's wailing making her loose focus and throw the ball and fall face plant to the ground.

"Guys, I love skater boy, but If I have to hear his crying, I'm going to loose it", Katana yells mumbling.

"Sounds like Geoff's having a hard time accepting Bridgette's been kicked off, huh?", Leshawna says.

"Ya, think!" Katana says while duncan helps her out.

*Geoff's confessional*

/(singing poorly) baby come back! Any kind of fool could see! S-something.... something, uh....about you! Hey, bridge! Sendin' Out mucho love to... wherever it is that the boat of losers takes you!

"Don't worry babe, we'll go check on him", Duncan says while him, DJ and Owen go over to the confessional booth where Geoff was. "Check on him? Since when did he start having feelings", Gwen says confusedly.

"Since they started up their guys' alliance. Duncan's no fool. He needs Geoff's vote to stay in it", heather reminds them.

"Hey! Maybe we should try forming a girls' alliance again!" Lindsay suggests but got earn a smack by heather.

The girls (excluding Lindsay and heather) started cleaning up while the boys tried to snap Geoff out which they did successfully. Through the loudspeaker, Chris tells him to meet him at art and crafts for today's challenge. The campers walk over to the arts and crafts Center, Katana stands next to Duncan in front.

"Welcome to the arts and craft centre",

"More like arts and crap centre"

"Yeah. It used to be an outhouse, but now it's where chef parks his road hog", Chris explains.

The boys check out chef's motorcycle and is amazed by it. Chris explains that for today's challenge they have to build their own bike. He gave them a bike manual to help which grossed Heather since it had mould on it.

*Duncan's confessional*

/Finally, a challenge I can get behind. I used to build bikes back home with my brothers all the time. Okay, so I used to steal them from the dweebs down the street and crash them into the school wall, but point is, this is something I know/

*katana's confessional*

/ I use to work at a bike shop back at home so I know my way around with fixing bikes and also building them as well. I smuggled in some spare parts cause you know just in case/

Katana started collecting some parts for her bike needing the important bits like a bicycle seat, handle bars, wheels etc. Lindsay and Owen were talking about what type of bike they were going to make.

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm gonna make my dream bike", Owen says. "Oh my gosh, me too, every year at Christmas, I asked for a sunset sally bike but never got one", Lindsay said sadly.

Owen and DJ started crying but were stopped by Duncan and Geoff reminding them about the guys alliance. While Heather looks at them.

*Heather's confessional*

/ the guys think they're so stealth, building their little alliances, it's kind of cute, really. But why work on your own bike. When you can get someone do it for you/

The girls were comforting Lindsay with Leshawna patting her on the shoulder. "Could I just borrow her for a sec?", heather said while grabbing Lindsay by the arm.

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