If you can't take the heat

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It was the next morning and all the campers started to wake up. Chris told everyone to meet him near the beach to talk about today's challenge.

"Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork and your skills in the kitchen. You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winner get a reward. The losers will send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients. Every morning, a truck bring us food. Today's task starts there" Chris announced while a truck came out of the water with a dolphin driving it.

The killer bass agreed for Geoff to be the head chef since he suggested an Italian theme.

"Head chef-called it!" Heather shouted. "Try not mess up this time, okay?" Heather warned when stopping Beth. "Just ignore her, girl" Leshawna scoffed.

*Heather's confessional*
/I had to take the leadership role. Hello? We're on a losing streak and everyone else on the team is pretty useless except for Katana/

Heather stopped Katana and told her she was going to be Co-chef. Heather did a checking list and made everyone got something for three-course meal that they were going to make which was a Hawaiian theme.

"Gwen, Lindsay, you're on the citrus macadamia upside-down-cake flambé" Heather informed.

"I don't know how to make an upside-down flame thingy" Lindsay says. Owen came back with the oranges but tripped over something making him squash the oranges.

"Go back to the truck and get more oranges" Heather ordered.

"I'm on it" Owen says running back.

"Trent, you and Owen on ribs. Leshawna and Beth, you're on pineapple skewers and mango dip" Heather informed.

"Girl, let me handle the the appetisers. I know how to make a pineapple chutney that would melt the socks off the devil" Leshawna says.

"Oh, really? Well, that's so great. But, since I'm head chef, we're gonna stick to my plan and my plan is pineapples with sticks. Got it? Katana, you'll be with me to make sure everyone is doing their job correctly" Heather informs.

Owen came back with the oranges and throw it to Trent to catch it but instead it hit him making go unconscious.

*Heather's confessional*
/things are going perfectly except for Owen's hornet stings and trent's concussion, which mean he's out of today's challenges. But still,this challenge is totally ours. (Face palms)/

Chris announced that they only got three hours. Heather walked over to check Leshawna and Beth.

"These slices are totally uneven. Switches places with Leshawna" Heather ordered.

"What are you talking about? They look fine to me" Leshawna says.

"Um, I didn't get to be head chef because of poor presentation" Heather argues. "No, you got to be head chef because you called it. And who do you think you're fooling the crispy-white-apron power trip you're on" Leshawna points out.

"Are you gonna be a team player or not?" Heather questioned. "Ooh, I'm team player, ai'ght, but I'm also allergic to pineapples" Leshawna argues.

"Wait, Heather, I'll cut up the pineapples, ok" Katana suggested getting in between Heather and Leshawna.

"No, it's ok girl if miss queen B wants me to get an allergic reaction than that's fine by me. Wouldn't mind going to the infirmary to get away from miss bossy" Leshawna says while glaring at Heather.

"Just get slicing now!" Heather ordered.

Leshawna was glaring at Heather while cutting up the pineapples, but then stop when she saw she got rashes all over her arms.

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