X-treme Torture

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The campers all wake up by the sound of a plane swarming across their cabins. Like the usual in the girls cabin in Screaming Gophers Team, Leshawna wakes up straight away hitting her head during the processes.

"Ugh, Chris is so dead" Heather complains.

"You don't have to say that twice" Katana says tiredly who was sleeping next Heather.

"Ah!! What you doing in my bed?" Heather asks her in shock.

"Must've sleepwalk" Katana shrugged while jumping off the bed to the floor. All the campers got ready for the day and started walking where Chris landed the plane.

"Hey, sweetheart" Duncan greets Katana while walking over to her. "(Chuckles) Hi" Katana says while smiling at him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Duncan takes something out of his pocket which turns out to be a necklace that kind of a resembles a choker with a skeleton hanging off it.

"This is for you, I made it myself. Hope you like it" Duncan says while giving it to her.

"Aw thank you" Katana says looking at the necklace and putting it on.

"Trying to be romantic" Duncan says smirking. "(Laughs a little) Well don't be too romantic, never liked pansies" Katana says.

"This week, you'll be participating in three challenges. First up, X-Treme sofa bed sky diving" Chris announced in an exciting way.

The campers turns to see a old sofas in which one of them had some springs popped out. Chef jumped out of the plane, landing on the sofa but somehow the sofa folded up bring Chef with it.

"Of course you'll be skydiving from five thousand feet and using these" Chris informs while throwing two parachutes on the ground, that looked to be in very poor condition.

"Our lucky contestants are Trent and DJ!".

*Katana's confessional*

// oh, sweet little Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Joseph and the donkey that took them all to Bethlehem! //

Chris informs the X-Treme Rodeo Moose Riding in which Geoff (Killer Bass) and Katana (Screaming Gophers) will apart in and X-Treme Seadoo Sking where Lindsay (Screaming Gophers) and Harold (Killer Bass) decided to participate.

"Not only will the winners get invincibility but are allowed use the mobile shower" Chris announces while showing the campers, the beautiful luxury showers. Heather and Katana thought that they were in Heaven.

"Is this Heaven?" Heather says while admiring the showers.

"If it is, than I'll kill the person who interrupts my nirvana" Katana says admiring the showers like Heather.

"I love it when you talk psychotic" Duncan says smirking at Katana.

Heather and Katana snapped out of their daydream when Owen was unimpressed by the prize. Heather threw insults at him and determined that they were going to win the prize. 

The campers all went to the main hall to have breakfast. Owen "help" Chef Hachet in cleaning up the dishes by basically eating the breakfast leftovers, but belches out a note that says "the girl with smouldering eyes" in Haiku. Chef drops it on the table, where Gwen and Bridgette pick it up and read it.

Bridgette believes that it's from Trent to Gwen, but Gwen points out that Geoff is totally crushing on Bridgette and tries to impress in many ways. This heart light conversation turns in a determination when Gwen believes that Geoff wouldn't even know what Haiku is let alone write one.

The campers the first x-Treme challenge which was the sky diving challenge, Trent and DJ were in the plane while the others were at the beach dragging their sofa. The killer bass seem to doing alright but the screaming gophers were having trouble with theres.

"Why isn't it this moving" Heather says. They all looked see that Owen decided to sleep on the sofa. The girls tries to push Owen off, but he wouldn't budge. So, Heather decided to draw an X on Owen's butt.

"Well, at least it'll be a soft landing" Gwen says in humour. Trent was the first to dive but during the fall, he seems to have forgotten to open up his parachute and landed straight into the ground. Trent got all bandage up and was resting on the bed.

"Hey, Trent is there anything you would like to say before you get re-boned" Gwen asks hoping that it was him who was writing the haiku letters for her.

"Yeah, is my hair Messed up" Trent asks. Gwen is stunned in disbelief while Bridgette is satisfied by shaking her head towards Gwen. For the Killer Bass, DJ is landed safely meaning that they won the challenge, but the sofa fold up along with him.

The campers move on to next challenge and Geoff was first to ride the moose, he didn't last long and landed in a pile of stinky clothes. Katana went next to and lasted longer than Geoff even though the moose was enraged more.  Screaming Gophers won this round which means it's a tie. The campers goes the final challenge which is skiing. Duncan says that he would drive for the killer bass.

Lindsay comes out wearing her new bikini, "we are so dead, unless. I get to drive" Heather announces.

Harold went first with Heather driving, Harold was getting the flags but Heather had some tricks up her sleeves, Heather pulled out a knife to try to cut the ropes off.

"Game over Guppy!" Heather says. but her shirt got stuck on a branch ripping it off and baring her breast for the whole viewing ship to see. Lindsay goes next with Duncan driving the jet ski, to everyone's surprise Lindsay was doing surprisingly well and got all the flags.

Not wanting the Screaming Gophers to win, Duncan deliberately crashes it, but is sent flying in the tree and Lindsay maintains her balance and her momentum carries her to the finish line.

"She won? The Screaming Gophers win" Chris announces.

Heather, Leshawna, Katana And Lindsay go and take a nice hot shower. Gwen and Bridgette are still discussing on who wrote the love letter, Leshawna walks over to them and picks up the love letter.

"Another Love letter from your secret admirer, Leshawna" Katana asks while walking over to the girls.

"Wait? Leshawna's mystery girl" Bridgette says in shock. The girls now who the letter was for, but the question still remains who wrote it.

In the elimination ceremony, it was Harold who got voted out, before he left he made a speech about how Total Drama changed him, who he lost, loved and saw boobies and admitted that it was him who wrote those letters to Leshawna. Leshawna was happy and gave Harold a big Hug, they were about to kiss but Chef dragged Harold.

"Did Harold really see your boobies?" Geoff asked.

"Can we see them?" Owen asked.

"Heck no, wait. Whose boobies did you see". The shower door opened revealing Heather, Leshawna realises that it was Heather and started chasing her.

Katana and Duncan were laughing at the outcome.

"So... When can I see yours?" Duncan asks while moving his eyebrow up and down. "Soon, that if if you can my bra size" Katana says smirking.




"Wrong again"



"Can you please give me a hint"


So, this is the challenge episode, it's been a while I know. I hope you like it.

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