The Sucky Outdoors

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It was the next morning and Chris informed every camper to meet him at the campfire ceremony for the next challenge.

"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I'm not gonna lie to you, you may not come back alive" Chris warns making some campers get frightened.

"Just joking, ha-ha. All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your campsite in the woods. You just have find it. Oh and watch out for bears, lost a couple of interns in pre-production. First team here back for breakfast wins invincibility" Chris informs and blows the horns.

"Did he say that there are bears" Leshawna says in fear.

Owen tells everyone to not sweat it while Izzy tells Lindsay about spotting a bear in her neighbourhood one time and asks Lindsay if she had any spaghetti in which Lindsay shakes her head no.

Katana is walking in the woods with her team in the woods. Trent tries talking to Gwen, but she ignores him.

"Ugh, she is so going next" Heather says while glaring at Gwen.


"Gwen who else, she dropped Harold's red ants on me" Heather claimed. "Yeah but you did read her diary out in the entire world" Katana reminds her.

"So?" Heather argues.

"So, that was pretty harsh" Trent said.

"Whatever she's so going down" Heather said.

They got to their campsite and are confused what to do next, Owen asks where's the food in which Trent reminds him that this is a survival skills meaning hunting the food. Owen and Katana decides to hunt the food. They get a some fish, when they got the fish, they start wiggly around land and Katana beats it with a bat.

"Well, I looks like where having battered fish for dinner tonight" Katana said.

Owen nods his head in approval.

They return back to their camp grounds, "We are man and woman! We bring fish" Owen informs while holding the fish.

"Are you kidding me?" Heather complains.

"Aw, man you guys are awesome" Trent praised.

"Well, its better than no food" Katana saids.

"Oh, I love fish! I love fish" izzy says excitedly taking a bite. "I-I-I guess we should cook it first, huh?" Izzy realised.

"How do you know to catch fish" Heather asks.

"My grandpa taught me. I caught a shark once. It bit me in the butt. Check it out" Owen answers while pulling his pants down, everyone was covering their eyes while Izzy was impressed by it.

They look at Katana waiting for her answer, "my uncle would take me out for classrooms to go hunting with him. He thought that school was a waste of time" she answers simply.

It was getting dark and The team decide to build the campfire and start cooking the fish.

"Ok, fire's hot, fish are grilling, tent is tenting" Owen said checking.

"Nice going you guys" Trent says to Owen and Katana. Katana and Owen high-fived to each other.

"Thanks man. I owe it all to grandpa". "So, you and your grandpa really fought a bear" Trent asks. Owen tells them a story about how when him and his grandpa came across a ten feet height bear and only took one shot to take the bear down.

"It was a good death" Owen said.

"Yeah right, like you took down a 10-feet bear" Heather says not buying the story at all.

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