Search and Do not Destroy

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It was the next morning and the campers were getting up to get ready or going on with their day. Leshawna exited her trailer that she won in the last challenge. Katana and Duncan are sitting on the steps near the boys cabin talking about their life and getting to know each other. Meanwhile, Trent is swimming in the lake, while Gwen is sketching a very saucy picture of Trent.

"Hey beautiful! What you sketching?", Trent yelled out.

"(Gasps) Nothing!" Gwen startles while blushing.

*Gwen's confessional*

I am absolutely, positively don't have a crush in Trent. I'm so over it. I mean come on, sure for a week or two, I was into, but I mean...

A cannon goes off thanks to Chris and the cannonball hits and destroys leshawna's trailer.

"Arr. mates! Meet me at the amphitheater in five minutes and I'll tell you about todays challenge!" Chris announced in a pirate accent through the megaphone. The remaining campers all head over to the amphitheater. Leshawna takes her luggage there and Katana is at the back sitting next to Duncan.

"Well, my little scallywags. Have we got an adventure in store for Ye? Chris says in his pirate accent. "What's under the sheet?" Geoff asked.

"All in good time laddie. Who here has a hankering for good ol' fashion treasure hunt?" Now this treasure hunt got a twist, mates. What you're looking for isn't hidden and it isn't treasure." Chris announced.

"If there's no treasure than what's with the eyepatch and the plastic parrot?" Duncan asks.

"Arr, shiver me timbers! Good question me boy. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest! Inside each of these chest is treasure that will pamper you landlubbers and one of these chests will even give you invincibility. Har har! Now come 'round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the plank! These clues will tell Ye where your key be stowed", Chris explains.

The campers reach to take a clue out of the bucket and see a picture of where their key is hidden. Katana looks at the clue which appears to be a raccoon .

"A racoon?" Katana said looking at her clue confusingly.

"Katana, I was hoping you would get something like that. Raccoons here are quite tricky but I'm pretty sure you can tame them, right" Chris says.

*Katana's confessional*

/We owe Raccoons as domesticated pets where I come from. All I need to find one and just train it./

Here's were everyone's key is hidden:

Bridgette- a
DJ- on top of a tree
Duncan- in a ring of fire
Geoff- in septic tank
Gwen- in a skunk hole
Heather- in chef's fridge
Izzy- around a snake's neck
Leshawna- in middle of a crocodiles
Lindsay- near a bee hive

Katana started walking to the forest to find a raccoon that was an odd out. So far nothing, she has spotted raccoons but neither of them had a key around it's neck.

"Hmm, if I was a raccoon where would I be, well besides the forest of course", Katana says. Katana decided to walk to the campgrounds. When she got to where the cafeteria and something rustling through the trash can and out pop a racoon, but not just any raccoon but the raccoon that has the key.

"Bingo!", Katana excitingly whispers. Katana crept over to the raccoon slowly so she doesn't startled it. The raccoon must've noticed her presence and turned around.

"Hey fella, I'm not going to hurt you? I just want the key, ok" Katana said calmly. The raccoon looked at her and started backing up slowly.

"Oh, no, it's ok. Don't be scared I'm not going to hurt you". Katana decided to stop but than she lost her balance making her full to the ground. The raccoon started to run past her direction but Katana grabbed hold of it before it could run far, "Got ya", Katana said.

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