trial by tri-armed triathalon

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Katana woke up ended up in Heather’s bed whom was already awake. She let out a yawn and jump from the bunk. "Katana, we seriously need to do something with your sleeping patterns", Heather says while glaring and pointing at her. Katana whose still half awake stare at heather whom didn't give her response which resulted Heather to storm off.

"Wasn't this is the second time, you were sleeping I'm Heather’s bedroom?", Gwen asked.

"Yep, I fell out of the bunk so when I woke up I was pretty much subconscious so I didn't notice the bunk climb was heather's". Before Gwen could saying there was sound what appeared to be helicopter. The girls end up getting out of the cabin to What's going on.

"Hey, keep it down from there!" Leshawna yelled. "What's going on?" Gwen. Owen looked from his window and asked if it was the donut helicopter since he was having a dream  about them. Heather let out an argh while being annoyed with Owen.

"Welcome back to total drama island , over the past 6 weeks we've watched 17 campers pushed themselves to the limit and they get their butt kicked off the island by their fellow campers. Sucks to be you.

Eva again
And izzy again. Only 7 campers remain and after 6 weeks of bugs, crappy camp food and even grosser bathrooms, our 7 finalists are about this close to losing it. We strove to come up with the best way to help the campers de-stress, than decided it would be way more fun to handcuffed them together and see if we couldn't push 'em over the edge." Chris announced who is holding handcuffs.

The rest have gotten dressed and were waiting for Chris to tell them the challenge. Katana was standing next to Gwen. "Did Duncan’s parole officer send a care package", Heather asked which made Katana snicker quietly and tried to hide by coughing. "It's not funny" Katana says while keeping a straight face. Meanwhile Duncan smirking at her.

"Nah, all in the name of today's challenge, the tri-armed triathlon." Chris asked. "Tri-armed? Like three arms?" Owen asked.

"Yes. Three challenges, four teams of two, three arms per team." Chris explains.

"Have you met these people? I am not being chained to any of them" Heather complain which made everyone except Katana glare at her. Chris tells them that the winning team gets invincibility and be safe. However Katana cannot help but wonder what Chris meant four teams of two there's an odd number.

*Gwen's confessional*

//six long weeks. I don't know how much more I can take. The person whose creasing me the most... Geoff. The guy is in a permanently good mood. No one is always in a good mood. And if he says "dude" or "cool" or eats with his mouth opened one more time, I think I'm gonna seriously damaged him//

*end of confessional*

*Geoff's confessional*

//the camp is great and all and I'm seriously stoked to be here. Yeah, I miss my buds back home. Yo, if you're watching, this is a shout out to all my bros back, east, man! It's not that I don't like everyone who's left. They're just kinda downers. Except Owen. That dude can party. Leshawna's cool and Katana definitely has her moments. But Gwen and Duncan are like so serious and heather I'd freaking me out with all her strategy talk. I thought getting to the final 7 would be like a big party, but it’s kind of heavy, man.//

*end of confessional*

*Duncan's confessional*

// This place is tortured man. The only thing that keeping me from burning it to the ground is Katana. Man, she's just awesome. At least in juvie, we had a half-hour of television a day and they kept the lunatics locked up separately. I mean this outhouse, this is the only place I can go for peace and quiet. Oh, and don't want to come in here after Owen. (Inhales deeply) oh, man. And Katana must've told Leshawna something, but all of a sudden she thinks I'm a "Nice guy" or something. And she wants to be my friend. I don't have friends. Got that?//

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