Big Sleep

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It was a nice and quiet morning, Katana was sleeping peacefully. Dreaming about life being great until........ *BLOWS HORNS* Katana's eyes shot open like a deer in a headlights.

"It's seven in the morning, do I look like a farmer to you" Leshawna yelled out. Katana started to glare at the wall knowing that Chris woke them up. Her and the other campers got up and started to get ready for the day. They all walked out of the cabin where Chris was waiting for them to announced what the next challenge would be. Jody of the campers was tired.

"Morning! Hope slept well" Chris said while smiling at us.

"Hi, Chris! You look really buff in those shorts" Heather flirted.
"I know" Chris said in an obvious tone.
"Okay. I hope you'll ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute" Chris announced.

Owen raised his hand up and said "oh, excuse me? I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast"

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your 20-kilometre run around the lake.

"Oh so you're funny now? You know what I think would be funny?" Eva tried to attack Chris but was held by Duncan and Geoff, while Courtney hissed at her to control her temper.

Eva said to Chris that he enjoying the outburst and he replied a little bit and told they have 30 seconds to prepare for the game.

*Katana's Confessional*
/to be honest I actually wanted Macho-woman to attack Chris. Chris seems like the type who loves to enjoy people's pain physically. Sure, we've only been here for a day, but come on our first challenge was jumping off a cliff into a shark infested water. That's psychotic right there/

*Courtney's Confessional*
/okay, that girl Eva has got to get a handle on her temper. She's only been here one day, and she's already thrown her suitcase out a window and broken the lock on the bathroom doors/

Everyone in front of the start line and was in ready positions. "Okay, runners.......... Go!'.

Everybody started running, half way through some were walking while others were still running. Katana was running in a steady pace until she reached, she realised that she was  first one to arrive. Chris walked to the door to be surprised that one of the campers beat him quickly.

"How did you get here so fast" Chris question while shaking his head.

"I ran, Duh" Katana said in obvious tone.

After one hours most of the campers were here waiting for the other comes back. Owen barges in holding Noah over his shoulder,

"Clear the table stat!".

"Ugh, we made it" Leshawna said in relieved. Harold was the last one to arrived. Courtney scowled at him for being last thus loosing the game.

The screaming Gophers cheered for Victory, Katana high-fives Noah. Chris announced that wasn't the challenge and brought out delicious food.

*Katana's Confessional*
/Now that's food/

*Gwen's confessional*
/After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet/

*Owen's confessional*
/and that I saw it, the buffet table. It was beautiful. There was turkey and nanamio bars and baked beans in maple syrup. Can I have a minute? (starts crying)/

Katana ate a lot of food until she was full. She was so full that she had to lie down.

"Okay, campers! Time for part two of your challenge" Chris said.

"I thought eating was the second part" Owen said confusedly.

"What do you want from us?" Gwen complain while holding her stomach.

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