Who can you trust?

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After the prank on Harold, this morning. The campers got ready and went to the dining hall for breakfast. Heather had a blanket wrapped around and have gotten a cold because of an incident that occurred in last challenge.

"Need a little eca-Natia?" Gwen teased.

"You so funny, you think that you can just lock me up in the freezer and get away with it. I'm gonna make you sorry that you ever met me" Heather threatened.

"Too, late" Gwen says.

"You are such a-a-a-a ACHOO! (Groans) I hate this place" Heather says.

Chris told everyone to meet him at the docks to talk about the challenge.

"So, last week's challenge exposed a few gopher issues (Heather, Gwen and Leshawna glared at each other while Katana looked at them in worry) and I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the bass pond too (Duncan nudges Courtney and Courtney pushes him) so, this week challenge is gonna be centre around building trust because all good things begin with a little trust" Chris says.

*Gwen's confessional*
/I trusted Trent once, he left me buried a live on the beach/

"There will be three major challenges that would have to be completed by two or more members of your team. Normally, we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time. More fun for me." Chris announced.

The campers went the rock climbing area. "Okay, so for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme free-hand rock climbing adventure. DJ and Duncan will play for the bass. Heather and Gwen for the gophers. Here's your blade and harness" Chris says while throwing the equipment to the partners.

Gwen caught the equipment but Heather snatched it off her.

"Hey, what's your damage?" Gwen questionably argued.

"If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts." Heather argued.

"You won't be holding her up exactly, one camper pulls they slack through the blade as her partner climbs. If the climber falls, the blade will stop them from crashing. Good catch, both side and the face of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like rusty nails, slippery oils slicks,mild explosives and a few other surprises." Chris informed.

"Wicked!" Harold says.

"The person on the blade must also harness their partner up, its all about trust people and remember never let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it" Chris informs.

"Excuse me, can we trade partners, I really don't feel like being dropped on my head, today" Gwen says.

"Please! As much as I love your company, I'm not gonna throw a challenge just to kill you, yet. Now spread 'em" Heather says.

Heather put the harness on Gwen "there, your all hooked up" Heather says.

Gwen turned around and looked at Heather in confusion. "What's the second rope for" Gwen ask suspiciously.

"It's a back up line" Heather said smiling. "What are you smiling about?" Gwen asked in suspicious. "Nothing, I'm just really happy we got on his challenge together" Heather fake happily.

*Heather's confessional*
/ it's all her fault for messing with me. I have got a doctorate in revenge and humiliation/

DJ and Gwen started climbing and were doing a pretty good job until an explosive sent Gwen flying down, luckily Heather caught her in time.

"It's okay I got you" Heather told her.

"I promise surprises, hop own yetto pepper sauce, anyone" Chris says while the spraying the sauce to Heather, "Ugh, what the heck, Chris?" Heather says rubbing her eyes but let the ropes go making Gwen fall down to the ground.

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