Not so happy campers part 1

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"And here comes our last camper, Katana" The host Chris McLean announced while a boat brought the last camper. A dark hair girl with bangs whose wearing a crop top and black denim skirt  jumps off the boat holding a suitcase and a baseball bat with her.

"What's up, so there is we're where staying for next eight weeks" Katana said while looking around. The location that Chris showed on television as very different, it was more appealing than what she really saw.

"Why yes, yes it is" Chris said while smiling around. While looking around Katana just shrugged and said "cool" while walking to the other campers. All campers were all different there was a girl with braces (Beth), a surfer girl (Bridgette), a guy who looks like he could be annoying little brother (Cody), a girl who appears to be preppy (Courtney), a big strong guy who seems like a teddy bear (DJ), a guy who looks like a punk and someone you don't want to mess with (Duncan), a girl who looks like a gym junkie (Eva), a guy who looks like he's gangster when in reality he's just trying too hard (Ezekiel), a guy wearing cowboy hat and someone fun to be around (Geoff), goth girl (Gwen) the geeky guy (Harold), a girl who Katana can see is the mean girl (Heather), a girl who has a ginger hair and looks to be very adventurous (Izzy), the male model (Justin), the two best friends since they are wearing the same outfit however one is skinny and tan while the other one is chubby and white (Katie and Sadie), a black girl with hoop earrings and a big booty (Leshawna), a blonde girl who is showing off her boobs and seems like she could be dumb blonde but is probably sweet (Lindsay), a tan boy who is seems like a know-it-all (Noah), a chubby guy who seems super excited to be here (Owen), a guy who seems like a musician since he's holding a guitar (Trent) and a guy who seems like he's into sports (Tyler).

"First things first, we need a group photo for the promo. Everyone at the end of the dock" Chris announced/slash ordered. Katana decided sit next to Courtney behind Justin for the picture. Chris has got the camera set up, but there were a little bit of problems.

"Oops! Okay, forgot the lens cap, okay hold the pose... 1,2,3- oh, no wait. Cards full hang on" Chris said while trying to fix the camera. "Come on, man my face is starting to freeze" Leshawna says impatiently. "Got it! Okay everyone say "Wawanakwa!"


Since there was a lot of them at the end of the deck, it broke causing everyone to fall into the water. "Okay, guys, dry off and meet at the campfire pit in 10" Chris said while running off. Katana rolled her eyes and swam to the shore, when she got there, someone else was a waiting for her holding a hand out, she realised that it was the punk dude.

"Hey you need help" he said. Katana accepted his hand and pulled her up. She got up to stand and shake the water off her like a dog. "I'm Duncan, what's yours?" Duncan said smirking while holding a hand out for her to shake. "Katana" she replied back while shaking his hand. "Hope we get to hang out soon, Sweetheart" Duncan said flirting with her. Katana cross her arms and smirked at him back "Yeah, I would like that too".

They walked to the fire pit in which Chris was waiting for them. Katana stood up next Heather and listen to what he had to say.

"The is camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends you dig? The campers who managers to stay at longest without getting voted off will win $100,000" Chris informed us.

"Excuse me, what will the sleeping arrangements be, because I'd like to request a bunk under one of them" Duncan said while pointing at Heather and Katana. Heather seemed disgusted while Katana was shaking her head.

"They're not, coed, are they?" Heather asked a little scared. "No, girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other" Chris answered her question. Which made Heather a little relieved.

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