Chapter 2: Unseen Riches

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Royal Pain

On her way back to the reception, Madeline ran square into Jerald.

"and what do you think you are doing, wandering the castle unsupervised. Well if your parents were to find out they would-"

"Jerald, shut up, no one asked you. Mom and Dad have been gone for seven years. Don't talk about them, you were not given the right to." Madeline stuck out her tongue and started back to the ballroom.

Upon opening the doors Madeline found everyone gone. "Where'd everyone go?" Lily was in a chair sobbing. "They all left because of the speech I gave about how 'I am not my parents, but I plan to rule just as good as them, if not better.' You know the whole 'for the sake of my people' schmeal. Someone from the crowd completely disregarded me in front of the entire kingdom. Madeline they do not believe in me." Lily hunched back over and began to sob again. "Lily, don't worry, I found a closet with something behind it, if we can open it maybe we ca-"

"Madeline, save it, I have no time for your fantasy worlds." Lily cut off Madeline in the middle of her sentence.

"But, I'm being serious, this is true! Lily if you just follow me then we can-"

"Aren't you a little old for fairy tales, or crying wolf? It is not real so just forget it!" Lily stood up shaking Madeline's grip on her arm.

Madeline had just noticed two things, one she was going to prove Lily wrong and two, this was the first time she had ever heard Lily speak with a normal tone.


Madeline was just waking up to the sound of the birds outside when she heard a loud knock on her door. "Go away Jerald, No it is NOT a good morning, no I don't want you to come in and help me or serve me your nasty tea, no I don't want to put on a tiara and dress, and no no no! SO JUST LEAVE ME BE!" Madeline waited for a smart remark from Jerald but instead received a small introduction from an unfamiliar female voice. "Um, actually, Jerald and your sister, Queen Lily, just left. I- I am your babysitter for the day. My name's Melody, may I come in?" After realizing what Jerald had slid her way, Madeline would make sure that he would pay. "Oh um, yeah come in." The door opened to show a young girl, maybe 15-16, with golden hair and the slightest of freckles. She was thin and gorgeous, everything Madeline strives to be.

"So Melody, what are we supposed to do for the time being?" Asked Madeline as she stood up from her bed to make it. "Well for starters you can give me a tour of your castle, and then after that anything you want loser, I'm all yours." Melody sat in Madeline's vanity chair and she knew that her and Melody would be the best of friends. "Hmmm..." said Madeline as the slightest grin grew on her face. "Alright, you want a tour, I'll give you a tour."


"And this is the best part, the armor closet."said Madeline opening the door to a closet filled with medieval knights and weaponry. "Man, impressive." Melody mocked as Madeline closed the door and walked down the hall towards the next boring room. They were three doors away from the locked door and Madeline knew that if she showed Melody what she meant, she would'n think she was crazy, right? "So next is the what? Royal crappers or, or maybe the- Whoa!" Melody was pulled by the arm by Madeline as she led her to the locked closet.

"Shhh... I think the whirling is getting louder." Madeline put her ear to the door to hear an even louder somewhat swirling noise coming from behind the door. "What? whirling? even louder? Um yes crazy princess I for one would like to know what the hel-" "SHH Melody, I'm trying to listen." Madeline had focused all of her towards what could possibly be behind that door. "Um, I don't even think we should be back here, isn't this the like secret chambers of a castle? You know the uncharted island of a castle?" Melody asked somewhat backing away from the door.

"Well I'm Royal, so I should be allowed-"

"Shh... Please stop talking," said Melody, "You are a royal pain in my as-"

"Alright, I get it, I'll shut up." Madeline was quiet, for about ten seconds. "Ugh, I just need a key to get in and then we'll be golden."

"A key? Here I got one, move over princess." Melody pushed aside Madeline to dig out her key.

"Look if that 'key' of yours has been made in the near or late 1800s, then it'll work if not then you might as well-"

"Got it." Melody stood up to push open the door only to show another door, more of a modern door. "Where'd you get that?" Madeline tried to ask, but all she got in reply was a shove as she was pushed into the entrance.

"What, how are we supposed to open this?" But that question was answered, because once Madeline tried to touch the door knob, it cracked open, revealing a stream of golden light. It was as if the door had been waiting for Madeline all these years...


Oh my goodness where do I begin?! The picture is what I want the door to look like and yeah, I mean I'm starting to fall into my story so it's pretty great If I do say so myself... what'll be in the door?

To be honest, I have no idea myself, which is the joy of this right? ok so I'll probs be updating more things tomorrow so stick around!


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