Chapter 18 - Hearing Things

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Sorry ch. 17 was short... but I'm not sorry so... Oh also, thoughts on the new cover? It looks better than the sad first one.


Royal Pain

Madeline opened her eyes again to see light. Only this time it was outside. She rolled over to see Michael curled up beside her. Smiling she slowly sat up and began to wake him. "Wake up. We need to get back to the castle." Madeline whispered. Michael waved her hand away mumbling something incoherent. "C'mon please wake up." Madeline stood up and grabbed Michael's arm, pulling him up with her. Michael gave in and stood up with her and the two began back towards the castle.


"Madeline! You are alright! I was do worried." Lily said as Madeline and Michael entered the castle. "Yeah well, I'm alive and well." Madeline shrugged. "What happened?" Lily asked as she led them through the castle and to the dining room. The two made it back in time for a late dinner. "I don't even know what happened." Not that you'd believe me if I did. Madeline thought as she took her seat. The servers came in with plates and pulled back the cloche and revealed a fish dinner.

The three chatted and ate until Lily finally had to leave them be. Madeline and Michael were left by themselves. The two sat in an awkward silence. Both didn't understand why there was an awkwardness, but there was. "Madeline, I really did wait for you." Michael said looking up from his placemat. Madeline nodded slowly and stood up from the table. "I'm tired, so goodnight." Madeline said. She couldn't handle this atmosphere so she turned and made her way to her room. Finally leaving Michael to himself.


"Madeline, wake up. I have some hot breakfast tea outside your door on a tray." Jerald shouted from behind her door. Madeline rolled over groaning. "Go away Jerald! You know no one likes your nasty tea." Jerald huffed and walked down the stairs and making his way back through the castle. Madeline had to roll out of bed and opened her door. She looked down and lo and behold the silver tray was sitting all the way at the bottom of the stairs where a small table was sitting. Madeline rolled her eyes and slid back into her room. As she was closing the door she heard a whisper. "Aw, she didn't fall for it." Madeline froze. She tore the door back open and glanced around the room surrounding her bedroom and saw nothing.

Madeline shook it off and closed her door. What she didn't realize was that the voice she heard could ruin her life with the shut of a door.

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