Chapter 5- Trust Me, I'm Not Crazy...

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Royal Pain

"And then he didn't see me until the King had to show him where I was. I was already embarassed and since he didn't see me that didn't help either." Madeline said to Melody as she picked another grape off the vine and ate it. "Man Mads, that sucks."

"It did but, when he looked at me, oh, I just wanted to melt. He then smiled and goodness I almost lost it." Madeline said fanning herself. Both girls laughed and then there was a knock on Madeline's door. "Princess Madeline, you wish to be seen in the throne room." Said the voice, as Madeline shooed away Melody. "Alright I'm leaving jeez." Melody said walking to Madeline's balcony and climbing down the vines.

Madeline opened her door almost to fall again. Michael smiled at her and she repiled with a nervous smile. He held out his hand to help guide her down the stairs and to the Throne Room.

On the way there, the two made very small talk. "So how long have you been royal assistant?" Madeline asked avoiding eye contact with the handsome boy. "Since three years ago. When Clemen became king he chose me. It was quite the honor." Michael said with the slightest smile.

"Yeah." Madeline said with the slightest sigh. they spoke like this, Michael trying to start a conversation and Madeline too nervous to reply without further embarassment. "This is your stop. Michael said stopping infront of the closed doors. "You sure you don't want to come in? I don't think I can handle the Queen on my own." Madeline said with a wink.

Michael chuckled, "Tell you what, when you get out of this interrogation, come find me, I'll send for you." Madeline smiled and pushed the doors open parting ways with HER prince. "Madeline there you are. Listen we need some of your input on the decorations." King Clemen said, "Because someone cannot decide whether there should be white lilies or orange lilies." He said smirking at Lily.

"I'm so happy you chose my name as the flower but, at least I know what I'm wearing." Lily replied smirking back. The two had really bonded over the course of two days. They looked like old cronies having a little play fight. "Well why not just both? Or do purple And white lilies instead of orange and that can be the color scheme." Madeline said looking at how the two looked at each other. "How did we not think of that?" Lily said confused. "I do not know but, now we need help on center pieces and everything else." Clemen said. Clearly thid was going to take more than a mere five minutes so Madeline took her seat to give her decisions.


Madeline had fallen asleep listening to the two counting out their waltz. "And one, two, three, one, two, three, Yes! We got it!" The two hugged and looked over to show Madeline. Only to find her drooling onto the unclothed table. They smirked, the plan had worked. Now it was only time to bring Madeline into the night of her dreams.

Lily stayed back to make sure Madeline stayed asleep until all was finished. Clemen went ahead to find Michael. Waiting for the King to find him, Michael had wandered the castle, it wad rude but the curiosity got the best of him and he walked until he found an old door. Assuming nothing was behind it he pushed it open to stumble upon another door. He reached for the handle and before he could grab it the door slide open, as if waiting for him all this time.

Checking around Michael stepped into the world of his dreams. Only this time the world was filled with nothing. Hoping for something more he looked around inside the door. Not finding anything, obvious, he saw something move in the distance. The thing came closer until it's ugly face came into view and whispered to Michael. "LEAVE, AND NEVER RETURN!"

"Michael? Where did you go? Madeline is asleep and-" Clemen saw a wide-eyed Michael head in his direction. "There you are, come on! Madeline just fell asleep we need to work fast if... if... Michael?" Clemen had begun to bable when he realized that Michael hadn't moved or said anything. "King, I know this will sound crazy but if you just follow me," Michael began in a hushed whisper almost inaudible. "Trust me, I'm not crazy sir." Michael tried to grab Clemen's hand but he pulled back.

Instead Clemen grabbed Michael and shook him. "Come on we have limited time." Seeing that he was getting nowhere, Michael gave in to Clemen. "Right, sorry sir we need to go."

The two ran off to the ballroom both leaving the the closet to its own demise.

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