Chapter 25- Everything Changes

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Royal Pain

Madeline stood as the lady placed the white mask on her face. Madeline felt as if her face was being sucked off and when the queen pulled the mask away Madeline saw her face staring back at her. Madeline couldn't believe it. She had lost.

"Alright." The queen said while smiling and viewing Madeline's mask as if a treasure. "Now that I have you. Everything Changes now." Madeline fell to her knees and looked up at the queen. "Like what?" The lady placed the mask on her face and Madeline watched as the tall, thin lady transformed into the 14 year old girl. "Well, now I am you. So I can do whatever now." The queen snapped her fingers and Madeline was lifted off her feet. She was now suspended in the air by two blank faced men. "What is your name? Why are you doing this? Just let me go." Madeline became frantic kicking her feet back and forth. The lady laughed and watched as Madeline was carried off into the door beside the throne. "No, I have my reasons, and just call me Madeline." The queen walked out the door and into Madeline's castle.


The two men threw Madeline into the farthest back chamber. They wrote her name down and left her to herself. Madeline was banging on the door until she gave up and slid down the door to a seated position. "I- I lost. I'm never going to get to see Michael again and Lily and Clemen a-a-and." Madeline sobbed until she couldn't sob anymore. She slowly laid on her side and thought she fell asleep but, her mind was racing too fast. A sudden knock on the door jolted her up right. Madeline stood up to look out the small window she was given. "Alright get up, here's your food-" The voice stopped allowing Madeline to speak.



The queen wandered the castle. She had to find Michael. This would be her only chance to get her way. After seven years. The queen walked into what seemed to be Madeline's room. She began exploring the room Until she came across a large object being covered by a sheet. She pulled the sheet back to see not herself looking back but, her daughter.

She seemed to be hanging by a rope. They were about to hang her daughter and all she could do was watch it from afar. The executioner said something inaudible and he clapped his hands. The floor from under the queen's daughter slid back and now she was suspended in mid air, hanging lifelessly. The queen fell to her knees in tears.

When she gathered herself. She looked back at the mirror. Upon looking a little harder, the queen saw another king and queen sitting, watching, doing nothing to stop this madness. As she realized who it was the quern stood up furious, threw the sheet haphazardly on the mirror and turned out of the room to find Michael. As she made her way down the stairs she found the boy sitting in a seat across the main hall of the castle. The queen smiled and began to make her move on him.


"Melody! You- I- Ugh!" Madeline stuttered as Melody stared her in the eyes. "What are you doing?" Madeline threw her hands up in exasperation. "I can't believe you! Start talking." Madeline crossed her arms and waited for Melody to begin.

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