Chapter 10- I'm Not Sorry Either.

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Royal Pain

"Mads." a voice said behind her. Madeline turned to look but saw no one. "Alright Melody, leave me be, I'm not in the mood." She turned on her heel and kept walking. "MADS." The voice was louder. She turned, again, to see no one. Suddenly scared Madeline stared a little while longer until turning around only to run face first into someone.

"Melody really stop you're- not melody." Madeline said looking up to recognize the boy in front of her. "Go away." She said standing up and pushing past him. "Madeline wait." Michael chased after her, grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. "I'm sorry." He said.

Madeline held his gaze for a second before pushing him away from her. "Too late." She said turning to leave again. "Really! I mean it. I'm sorry for how I acted." Michael caught up to her. Madeline ignored him and sped up. "Madeline just listen-" Michael began but Madeline cut him off saying. "You know what, you listen and after this never speak to me again. For seven years I thought Leighton was the absolute worst mannered Kingdom to ever set foot on the planet. But then you came along and for the past two-three days I've known you, you proved me wrong. So thank you for proving my point and making me jump to conclusions on thinking if I really liked you." Madeline looked deep into Michael's eyes before turning and running down the halls, holding back all the tears.

"Well, I'm not sorry either." Michael shouted back.


She couldn't think if she truly liked me or not? I mean I felt the same but, she was perfect...

Michael blew it with the only girl he had ever had real feelings for. Now it was time to see her constantly for... possibly ever.... great.


All rise for the bride. Everyone in the ballroom stood to see Queen Lily walk down the aisle. Alone. Madeline sat at the very front on the inside closest to the aisle. Both girls smiled to one another and Lily continued up the steps of the alter. The ceremony was beautiful, and their vows were touching. They new that even without knowing one another for very long, they would have eternity to get to know one another. How sweet. both Michael and Madeline thought.

After they kissed it was time for the reception. All of the guests headed towards the other ballroom. The Sir Jerald tried his best to get everyone in an orderly line but, he was ignored. The reception was the best and worst part of the night.

Madeline walked in and suddenly her mood changed. It was beautiful in there. All the guests seemed to be having fun so there was nothing to worry about... Until-

"Umm... Madeline." She turned at the sound of her name ready to yell at Michael all over again, instead as she turned she saw that it was Jerald. Rolling her eyes Jerald began speaking. "Well you know that little friend of yours? Yeah he's telling me that he is still sorry for his actions and he will never bother you ever again." Madeline stood and listened to Jerald tell her all about how Michael wasn't going to bother her.

Madeline nodded and thanked Jerald for that little speech. Madeline headed to her table and since she was related or close to the royal family, she sat near the front and at the same table as,

"Hi Michael." Madeline said with a small smile as she sat down across from him. He didn't look up at all. He really isn't going to bother me.... is he? Madeline thought pushing her food around her plate. "Well, I just want to say since we'll be seeing each other for a decent amount of time and you decided to be the bigger man and apologize-" Michael's head shot up and he cut her off by saying, "I apologized? Madeline I was told that you apologized but, you were still upset or something." Both confused Madeline thought of who would do such a thing. Madeline realized what a fool both had become and she stood up, grabbed Michael's arm and dragged him to the only low life to be so rude.

When the two kids stomped up to the person who caused this-


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